Tuesday, June 03, 2008
5:27 PM ♥
Hopes are nothing but disappointments. Yet, disappointment is like a dagger which stabbed me right into my heart. I am bleeding... ... i am bleeding profusely... ... why am i given the hope whuch lasted me on, but crushed it away and bring me pain. OUCH! That hurts a lot... ...I am living in the Kingdom of God which i supposed that there is no condemnation in anyone. Seriously, i am not trying to abuse it. I just feel terrible right now even after the cry. I thought that i am recovering well, but why am i doing all this again? I am very tired today after the poor night of sleep yesterday. I am not trying to complain, but Siqin is really inconsiderate! I was getting to sleep yesterday, when she moved all her things into the room and wanted to study in the room instead. Please, you can study at other place, but there is only one place for me to sleep. I really cannot sleep in the room with all the lights on, accompany with what i called 'noise'. This really caused me to have a bad headache which i swallowed 2 Panadols before i can get to sleep. I intended to sleep at the sofa, but it was way too warm and stuffy. I was sweating like hell already. I was so damn pissed off when Siqin confessed that she did all these on purpose, she was picking on me. I knew it! My parents were like trying to get me to bear with it for the night, i have no choice but to accomodate to it. My parents intended to give a call to my care-group leader, but i stopped them. I do not want to make things big, so i told them i would handle it. I really cannot get along with Siqin, she is making my days miserable. I feel so stress getting along with her, i have to give in ti her everytime. If i do not do so, she will make a big fuss out if nothing. Seriously, i am not going to live long this way. I am really struggling with my life at home.
I am quite sad that there was no MCG today. I saw ruiling after my C.O ended, he was telling me that there was no visitor. When i gave a call to nicole, joyce answered the phone and said that the MCG has ended, so no need to come down. I was upset because i really look forward to it. I really looked forward to care-group. Sadly, there will be no care-group for this week. Haiz... i do not dare to hope for anything in my life, most are disappoinments. Things do not turned out the way i wanted or intended to be, it turns out unexpectably. Maybe i should not ask for anything...
(feeling sick)
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
5:27 PM ♥
Hopes are nothing but disappointments. Yet, disappointment is like a dagger which stabbed me right into my heart. I am bleeding... ... i am bleeding profusely... ... why am i given the hope whuch lasted me on, but crushed it away and bring me pain. OUCH! That hurts a lot... ...I am living in the Kingdom of God which i supposed that there is no condemnation in anyone. Seriously, i am not trying to abuse it. I just feel terrible right now even after the cry. I thought that i am recovering well, but why am i doing all this again? I am very tired today after the poor night of sleep yesterday. I am not trying to complain, but Siqin is really inconsiderate! I was getting to sleep yesterday, when she moved all her things into the room and wanted to study in the room instead. Please, you can study at other place, but there is only one place for me to sleep. I really cannot sleep in the room with all the lights on, accompany with what i called 'noise'. This really caused me to have a bad headache which i swallowed 2 Panadols before i can get to sleep. I intended to sleep at the sofa, but it was way too warm and stuffy. I was sweating like hell already. I was so damn pissed off when Siqin confessed that she did all these on purpose, she was picking on me. I knew it! My parents were like trying to get me to bear with it for the night, i have no choice but to accomodate to it. My parents intended to give a call to my care-group leader, but i stopped them. I do not want to make things big, so i told them i would handle it. I really cannot get along with Siqin, she is making my days miserable. I feel so stress getting along with her, i have to give in ti her everytime. If i do not do so, she will make a big fuss out if nothing. Seriously, i am not going to live long this way. I am really struggling with my life at home.
I am quite sad that there was no MCG today. I saw ruiling after my C.O ended, he was telling me that there was no visitor. When i gave a call to nicole, joyce answered the phone and said that the MCG has ended, so no need to come down. I was upset because i really look forward to it. I really looked forward to care-group. Sadly, there will be no care-group for this week. Haiz... i do not dare to hope for anything in my life, most are disappoinments. Things do not turned out the way i wanted or intended to be, it turns out unexpectably. Maybe i should not ask for anything...
(feeling sick)