Sunday, April 20, 2008
5:37 PM ♥
it has been an interesting week this week. lots of things have been happening around me, mostly good ones. i could barely remember that several blackouts occurred on last friday in TPJC. the first time was during the time when i was having my break. in fact, it does not really affected me. i was already finishing my meals by the time. it is just that my mouth was going to be swollen as i have to quene for a long time to buy a drink. i was seriously in need for a drink to neutralised the spicy taste from my food. after eating, me and my classmates( too many to be mention) went for our biology lecture at LT1. at that time, the blackout was yet recovered. the LT was in pitch black, i could barely make my way to my seat. our class decide to venture to the dark room, filled with people trying to take photos with their friends. i think this is what we do not see everyday. from then, i discovered that someone was afraid of the dark. Shh.....cannot be revealed. everything went fine later, but something was about to happened. the second blackout came very soon when everything went pitch black in a flash. it really gives me a shocked, i was totally unprepared for that. the room was then lit up with camera flashes, kind of spoiling the sensation. never mind about that. i heard that teachers were trapped in the staff room as the electronic doors( something like that) did not worked. it is run by electricity anyway. after class, i waited for qin at the cafe for an hour plus. we wanted to go to TM to buy some goodie, but qin ended her class only at 2pm. so sad. qin wanted to buy a pair of shoes for her c.o performance at VJC, while i wanted to get some gifts for some reasons. we shop for around 2 hours to finish our shopping list before we hurried back home. it is speech day! i have met up with some of the classmates and ex-classmate outside EVSS school gate. surely i do not want to be late. qin was receiving her award as one of the top scholar in EVSS for the 'o' levels. she and yuan zhen were the first person to be the school record of being the 9-pointer. impressive! the speech day performance was kind of short this time round, not like recent years. i confessed myself disappointed that c.o only has one performance. i really expected more than that. i enjoyed the indian dance the most, they really lived up with their expectation. after the whole event has finished, we went to look for our ex-classmates. i expected more people to come, but only quite a few turned up. people like jonathan, waheeda, shakila, matthew, naszreen, si rong, fuyee,gui ling, cai juan, xue er, hui yi, grace, yi xin, pei lin and more (sorry if i get the names wrong)......... we took some photos and yup, its refreshment time. i was totally addicted to the curry chicken. i managed to finished 3 bowls of it. i really want to mention that: do students have their dinner downstair at the canteen or what? i just do not understand. i can see parents quening orderly for the refreshment, but i do not see it for the students. it was in chaos. i can see students snatching the satay, 1 bunch at one go. my god! what does this look like? i mean no offence but it is really horrible. i think i just stop on that.
on saturaday, it was our CIP. my class was meeting at the foyer at 8.45am. in fact, i was not late. phew....what a relieved. we went to the blocks that we were in charged of, and our work begin! initiately, i was kind of worried about it since this is the first time that i am doing this. but everything turns out just fine, not a problem at all. walking throughout the 3 hours is indeed a tiring job. no kidding man! fortunately, everything ended early and ended my suffering (just kidding) our class went to KFC after the CIP, celebrating both mark and ben birthday. too bad that both poh ee and siti were not around. the cake was nice and we happily took some photos. sadly, i have to leave very soon as i need to met up with xin yi and her junior. it was a good day to meet up with them, doing our studies together. in fact, after my meal at KFC, me, xinyi and si xian went to cs foodcourt to have our lunch. i am proud to say that i finished my bowl of korean ramen. in fact, me and wendy intiately wanted to eat that, but too bad the foodcourt do not sell halal food.i will not be nice for our malay friends. for dinner, my parents went to buy the double mushroom burger set meal that i wanted to eat. nice.....everything went in my way
its picture time:

mrs tan( bio teacher) n ME

rachel,siqin,ME,xue er,caijuan
(sorrie 4 e blur image)
siqin, xue er,cai juan,xinyi
once again wif ME inside(poor lighting)

down the void deck... ...

taking photo wif those in front un-aware...

at the KFC celebraing the twins birthday... ...can tell?


e most silly pose i ever done...

ME n wendy
trying to take a pic of us in the air (1st attempt)

(2nd attempt) unsuccessful!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, April 20, 2008
5:37 PM ♥
it has been an interesting week this week. lots of things have been happening around me, mostly good ones. i could barely remember that several blackouts occurred on last friday in TPJC. the first time was during the time when i was having my break. in fact, it does not really affected me. i was already finishing my meals by the time. it is just that my mouth was going to be swollen as i have to quene for a long time to buy a drink. i was seriously in need for a drink to neutralised the spicy taste from my food. after eating, me and my classmates( too many to be mention) went for our biology lecture at LT1. at that time, the blackout was yet recovered. the LT was in pitch black, i could barely make my way to my seat. our class decide to venture to the dark room, filled with people trying to take photos with their friends. i think this is what we do not see everyday. from then, i discovered that someone was afraid of the dark. Shh.....cannot be revealed. everything went fine later, but something was about to happened. the second blackout came very soon when everything went pitch black in a flash. it really gives me a shocked, i was totally unprepared for that. the room was then lit up with camera flashes, kind of spoiling the sensation. never mind about that. i heard that teachers were trapped in the staff room as the electronic doors( something like that) did not worked. it is run by electricity anyway. after class, i waited for qin at the cafe for an hour plus. we wanted to go to TM to buy some goodie, but qin ended her class only at 2pm. so sad. qin wanted to buy a pair of shoes for her c.o performance at VJC, while i wanted to get some gifts for some reasons. we shop for around 2 hours to finish our shopping list before we hurried back home. it is speech day! i have met up with some of the classmates and ex-classmate outside EVSS school gate. surely i do not want to be late. qin was receiving her award as one of the top scholar in EVSS for the 'o' levels. she and yuan zhen were the first person to be the school record of being the 9-pointer. impressive! the speech day performance was kind of short this time round, not like recent years. i confessed myself disappointed that c.o only has one performance. i really expected more than that. i enjoyed the indian dance the most, they really lived up with their expectation. after the whole event has finished, we went to look for our ex-classmates. i expected more people to come, but only quite a few turned up. people like jonathan, waheeda, shakila, matthew, naszreen, si rong, fuyee,gui ling, cai juan, xue er, hui yi, grace, yi xin, pei lin and more (sorry if i get the names wrong)......... we took some photos and yup, its refreshment time. i was totally addicted to the curry chicken. i managed to finished 3 bowls of it. i really want to mention that: do students have their dinner downstair at the canteen or what? i just do not understand. i can see parents quening orderly for the refreshment, but i do not see it for the students. it was in chaos. i can see students snatching the satay, 1 bunch at one go. my god! what does this look like? i mean no offence but it is really horrible. i think i just stop on that.
on saturaday, it was our CIP. my class was meeting at the foyer at 8.45am. in fact, i was not late. phew....what a relieved. we went to the blocks that we were in charged of, and our work begin! initiately, i was kind of worried about it since this is the first time that i am doing this. but everything turns out just fine, not a problem at all. walking throughout the 3 hours is indeed a tiring job. no kidding man! fortunately, everything ended early and ended my suffering (just kidding) our class went to KFC after the CIP, celebrating both mark and ben birthday. too bad that both poh ee and siti were not around. the cake was nice and we happily took some photos. sadly, i have to leave very soon as i need to met up with xin yi and her junior. it was a good day to meet up with them, doing our studies together. in fact, after my meal at KFC, me, xinyi and si xian went to cs foodcourt to have our lunch. i am proud to say that i finished my bowl of korean ramen. in fact, me and wendy intiately wanted to eat that, but too bad the foodcourt do not sell halal food.i will not be nice for our malay friends. for dinner, my parents went to buy the double mushroom burger set meal that i wanted to eat. nice.....everything went in my way
its picture time:

mrs tan( bio teacher) n ME

rachel,siqin,ME,xue er,caijuan
(sorrie 4 e blur image)
siqin, xue er,cai juan,xinyi
once again wif ME inside(poor lighting)

down the void deck... ...

taking photo wif those in front un-aware...

at the KFC celebraing the twins birthday... ...can tell?


e most silly pose i ever done...

ME n wendy
trying to take a pic of us in the air (1st attempt)

(2nd attempt) unsuccessful!