Monday, April 07, 2008
12:34 AM ♥
today, we have something different for dinner, Genki sushi. actually, i was not very keen for japanese food as i have been eating for sometime for supper. today, our aunt came to visit our home and we went for our dinner together. my father actually wanted to eat at fish&co., but my aunt is a vegetarian, so eating at fish&co is impossible. we cannot expect our aunt to eat only salad right? so, we went to Genki, which is just beside fish&co. from there, i can see the fish and chip waving at me to say goodbye, what a tragedy! eating at Genki was not that bad, but i feel that Hei sushi is better. firstly, Hei sushi basically allows us to order our food through the computer, therefore we do not need to wait for someone to serve us. secondly, Hei sushi has provide a better service as compared to Genki. i just cannot believe that the waiter who served us today did not even spare us some time to order our drinks. the waiter has left before we mention about the drinks, he seems to be rushing for time. in fact, it was not a peak hour time when we went there, thus, i see no reason why are they providing such a bad service. while i was finishing my meal, i saw this man with a green Adidas t-shirt standing from his seat and was calling out for a waiter or waitress, but everyone seems to be ignoring them. that guy was frustrated and i heard him complaining about him waiting for 45 minutes without anything served. he took the recipe and stomped to the cashier counter, shouting to the manager-in-charge to cancel his previous orders. i cannot imagine what kind of service are they providing to the customer. Singapore has been aiming in providing a world class service, but it seems that many are still not to it yet. even a simple F&B industry cannot do a good job on it, how can we expect more from the others? we are suppose to pay the service charge in restuarant, but is the service worth to be paid? is this fair to consumers?
♥ 0 lovely notes