Wednesday, April 09, 2008
1:26 AM ♥
random upload , as usual:

it dun look real to mii anyway
4x400m relay girlz
see, we so supportive de

sushi =p

siqin & siqi
i like the soup most !!!!
bloated . . .
lurbb the green tea lottts
green tea gd for health arh
busy with my work
especailly with my PI, edit it for many times le
still editing . . .
always go home so late arh
not realli have time to rest
damn tiring day for mii de lohx
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
1:26 AM ♥
random upload , as usual:

it dun look real to mii anyway
4x400m relay girlz
see, we so supportive de

sushi =p

siqin & siqi
i like the soup most !!!!
bloated . . .
lurbb the green tea lottts
green tea gd for health arh
busy with my work
especailly with my PI, edit it for many times le
still editing . . .
always go home so late arh
not realli have time to rest
damn tiring day for mii de lohx