Friday, April 04, 2008
5:28 PM ♥
went back to EVSS after sch today
was slightly late
cuz got physic pratical for last lesson
talking about pratical
realli damn shit . . .
i vry clumpsy
oways drop the items
sure attract the examiner's attention de
meet siqi after sch cuz she end sch earlier than mine
she study at library wif her frienz
then walk from tpjc all the way to EVSS
save $ as well as to exercise =)
went to eat lunch at coffeshop
saw the security guard uncle who treat us lunch ^^
wait for cai juan & xue er to come
saw fuyee & xinrui talking to Mr Foo so we oso join in
i want go speech day arh !!!!
saw wi chen & winnie too
as well as Mrs Tan S.L, Mrs Chua, Miss Santha, Mrs Mani, . . .
glad to see them
finally . . . finally collect my O-lvl cert
went C.O for a while then went back le

cai juan
from '' levis'' jc

EVSS C.O (full)

Speech Day parade rehersal

prize presentation
btw, i wondering if i ll receive any award a not . . .
if dun have , oso nvm
everyone seem busy
xinrui, xue er, cai juan & siqi
all from EVSS C.O
C.O practice
siqin ^^
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Friday, April 04, 2008
5:28 PM ♥
went back to EVSS after sch today
was slightly late
cuz got physic pratical for last lesson
talking about pratical
realli damn shit . . .
i vry clumpsy
oways drop the items
sure attract the examiner's attention de
meet siqi after sch cuz she end sch earlier than mine
she study at library wif her frienz
then walk from tpjc all the way to EVSS
save $ as well as to exercise =)
went to eat lunch at coffeshop
saw the security guard uncle who treat us lunch ^^
wait for cai juan & xue er to come
saw fuyee & xinrui talking to Mr Foo so we oso join in
i want go speech day arh !!!!
saw wi chen & winnie too
as well as Mrs Tan S.L, Mrs Chua, Miss Santha, Mrs Mani, . . .
glad to see them
finally . . . finally collect my O-lvl cert
went C.O for a while then went back le

cai juan
from '' levis'' jc

EVSS C.O (full)

Speech Day parade rehersal

prize presentation
btw, i wondering if i ll receive any award a not . . .
if dun have , oso nvm
everyone seem busy
xinrui, xue er, cai juan & siqi
all from EVSS C.O
C.O practice
siqin ^^