Sunday, March 30, 2008
5:52 PM ♥
random upload
include pic(s) taken on last friday

5 persons squeeze in 1 table
eating in process
a lot of food to eat arh . . .
ai hui & siqin

zhixu, ai hui & siqin
share another table
ample of space hahax =)

see the difference
cooking in progress . . .
xia qian
cooking . . .

ice-cream ^^

my sheng

meat . . . damn tasty

xia qian
her sunglasses so cool . . .
dickson & zhixu
zhixu & ai hui
in the lab
tis is awesome . . .
cup noodle !!!!! =)

lots of ice-cream

making ice-cream

choc- flavour

by dickson

waiting for ice-cream to eat

siqin & sherylin

-.- '''

ai hui de '' ai ''

siqiin ^^

it looks . . .
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, March 30, 2008
5:52 PM ♥
random upload
include pic(s) taken on last friday

5 persons squeeze in 1 table
eating in process
a lot of food to eat arh . . .
ai hui & siqin

zhixu, ai hui & siqin
share another table
ample of space hahax =)

see the difference
cooking in progress . . .
xia qian
cooking . . .

ice-cream ^^

my sheng

meat . . . damn tasty

xia qian
her sunglasses so cool . . .
dickson & zhixu
zhixu & ai hui
in the lab
tis is awesome . . .
cup noodle !!!!! =)

lots of ice-cream

making ice-cream

choc- flavour

by dickson

waiting for ice-cream to eat

siqin & sherylin

-.- '''

ai hui de '' ai ''

siqiin ^^

it looks . . .