Wednesday, April 16, 2008
2:44 AM ♥
finally finish my PI . . .
& we are aready group into our PW grouping ^^
busy, busy, busy
lotts mof unfinished tutorial & assignment
& lotts of Extra lessons cuming up
not forgeting C.O practice !!!!
damn exhausted . . .
looking forward to Speech Day this friday
want go back EVSS again
but i ll be skipping my C.O practice
no choice, speech day more impt
CIP this saturday,
1st CIP outing wif the class
woot . . .woot . . .
also my first performance wif my sheng
wearing the blazer
SPA pratical cuming up tis week
must be serious in it
no more playing of instruments & reagents =)
uploading pic(s) soon . . .
♥ 0 lovely notes