Thursday, November 22, 2007
6:13 PM ♥
went work as usual went out after siqi at arnd 9am as usual waited for am long time for the bus then saw auntie at the bus so went to work together went we reach the place there was aready a lady waiting outside we were like- wah so early come liao ar so i faster go strt work left the cleaning and arranging staff to auntie then noman and yi xiang came again eating mac wah liao lohx the noman always call mii' maria ' wan thought i his maid liddat the yi xiang worse lohx say wat i wear maid outfit -.-''' in conclusion, both dun ve any fashion sense ^^ today got a lot of pp so work until like near 12pm then can rest for a while cuz p6 go take PSLE result mahx tis year got one girl dam smart lohx got 294 marks !!!! is dam smart de hao bu hao cuz nobody ver get tis kind of result ar knock off late today cuz last min got pp ar so no choice got to finish my work first but yi xiang oso got to stay and wait hahax but norman went home le cuz he got flu ar anyway still got to thx yi xiang for the drink treat mii drinks twice le always say nvm but i dun feel good ar so next time my turn treat him le told boss i going oversea next month le after receieving sms from siqi abt it boss got good memory ar he noe aready lohx cuz siqi last time got tell the lao ban niang but he still can remeber the dates so i was kind of surprised waited quite long for the bus today and went specailly to 201 cuz want buy food treat siqi to bao da her for helping mii now my leg realli suan cuz today walk arnd didn rest
MV for F.I.R song
Yue Ya Wan
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Thursday, November 22, 2007
6:13 PM ♥
went work as usual went out after siqi at arnd 9am as usual waited for am long time for the bus then saw auntie at the bus so went to work together went we reach the place there was aready a lady waiting outside we were like- wah so early come liao ar so i faster go strt work left the cleaning and arranging staff to auntie then noman and yi xiang came again eating mac wah liao lohx the noman always call mii' maria ' wan thought i his maid liddat the yi xiang worse lohx say wat i wear maid outfit -.-''' in conclusion, both dun ve any fashion sense ^^ today got a lot of pp so work until like near 12pm then can rest for a while cuz p6 go take PSLE result mahx tis year got one girl dam smart lohx got 294 marks !!!! is dam smart de hao bu hao cuz nobody ver get tis kind of result ar knock off late today cuz last min got pp ar so no choice got to finish my work first but yi xiang oso got to stay and wait hahax but norman went home le cuz he got flu ar anyway still got to thx yi xiang for the drink treat mii drinks twice le always say nvm but i dun feel good ar so next time my turn treat him le told boss i going oversea next month le after receieving sms from siqi abt it boss got good memory ar he noe aready lohx cuz siqi last time got tell the lao ban niang but he still can remeber the dates so i was kind of surprised waited quite long for the bus today and went specailly to 201 cuz want buy food treat siqi to bao da her for helping mii now my leg realli suan cuz today walk arnd didn rest
MV for F.I.R song
Yue Ya Wan