Sunday, December 10, 2006
2:51 PM ♥
woke up at 12.30 cuz slept at 12+ yesterday no choice cuz wedding dinner start at 7.30 then start eating at 9 tat's y i think i wear too formal le bah anyway dun care but today evening wedding dinner is at ochard and must realli dress vry formal my aunt had reminded everyone to dress themselves in formal dress code yesterday dinner was ok nth much to comment abt but i like the choc best so nice the choc got 2 flavour like the strawberry one better anyway my sis in dress n is totally a 360 degree change loh ya but didn take photo cuz realise tat there is somethin wrong wif it anyway i ll take photo wif my cam tis evening then must surely post it lol but realli like the choc so much
♥ 0 lovely notes