Tuesday, December 05, 2006
8:51 PM ♥
Are you a GOOD student or a BAD student?
-If you get below 20 and you're a good and obedient student. Your teacher LOVES you!!
-If you get in between 20-30, you're an okok student.
-If you get 30 and above, you're a BAD student. Most teacher don't like you.
Yes/Always [x]
Nope/Never [ ]
Some times [?](1 mark for each [x] and [?])
1. Tuck out your shirt? [x ]
2. More than 2 piercings on your ears? [x]
3. Other form of body piercing(s)? [ ]
4. Fold your school skirt? [x]
5. Dye/highlight your hair before? [ ]
6. Have a hair band around your neck when at school? [?]
7. Wear friendship band around your ankle? [? ]
8. Fold your school socks? [x]
9. Leave your plates on the table after eating in the canteen? [ ]
10. Pon school after examination period when there's nothing much to do in school? [x]
11. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend before? [x ]
12. Have you li jia chu zhou before? [ ]
13. Lied to your PE teacher that you're sick when you're not? [? ]
14. Leave your text books under your desk at school? [x]
15. Copied your friends homework? [ ]
16. Lied to your parents about your exams/test results? [ ]
17. Bring your handphone to school? [x]
18. Bring your MP3/MP4 or discman to school? [x]
19. Have your teacher confiscated any of your belongings before? [ ?]
20. Pon extra lessons given by you teacher? [ ]
21. Hide in the class during recess? [x]
22. Eat in class before? [x]
23. Didn't pass up homework you suppose to pass up? [? ]
24. Seen the principal before because of behaviour problems? [ ]
25. Scold vulgarities in public? [ ]
26. Leave your long hair untied at school? [ ]
27. Leave the classroom without permission? [ x]
28. Wear nail polish during school period? [x]
29. Keep your nails long during school period? [x]
30. Bullied a teacher? [ ]
31. Bullied a school mate? [ ]
32. Gotten into a fight before? [ ]
33. Join school gang? [ ]
34. Sleep during lessons? [x ]
35. Sleep after finishing your test? [ ]
36. Backstabbed a friend? [ ]
37. Play basket ball/soccer during recess or before school starts? [ ]
38. Go shopping malls after school? [x]
39. Vandalise the school table? [x]
40. Vandalise classmate's book? [ ]
41. Hang around void deck after after school? [ ]
42. Bring games/card to school? (Pri sch not counted) [ ]
43. Play with toilet roll in the school's toilet? [ ]
44. Pee or pangsai without flushing? [ ]
45. Write "XXX was here" every where you go to? [ ]
46. Litter your classroom or any part of the school? [?]
47. Do some other things in the computer lab when you suppose to be doing something else? [x]48. Take friend's or classmate's fool scap paper without returning? [ ]
49. SMS in class? [x]
50. Talk to your friend during lesson? [x]
51. Smoke in the school toilet? [ ]
52. Do other things when yout teacher call you to read pages of your text book? [?]
Grand Total: 26
♥ 0 lovely notes