Friday, December 08, 2006
1:44 PM ♥
Survey (:Name 20 people you think of at the top of your head now !
1- Cai juan
2- Siqi
3- Xin rui
4- Cheryl
5- Qian hui
6- Siew ling
7- Bernadett
8- Xinyi
9- Melissa
10- Xue lin
11- Amanda
12- Claudia
13- Winnie
14- Belinda
15- Cindy
16- Rachel
17- Pei Ying
18- Kai Ying
19- Sheryl
20- Kai wen
1 is your best friend :not only my best friend, my shepherd as well as sister in Christ
2 is an important person : of course lah! she my sister leh
3 is your favourite friend : ya can say so lah
4 is your recent friend : no noe her yao 1 yr le
5 is your close friend : still ok lah
11 is someone you love: just one of my friend lol
12 is someone special to you : can say so
13 is someone you don't want to lose : of course i won't wan 2 lose any of my frienz
14 is someone you hate : no i dun hate anyone de must forgive n forgot
15 is your care taker : No she is one of my gd frienz
Qns : What will you do if you lost 1 ?Ans : i ll be lost cuz cannot without shepherd de mah
Qns : What will you do if 2 propose to you ?Ans : talk crap ar she my sis loh LAME
Qns : What will you do if 5 and 11 dated ?Ans : cannot be they r 'normal' wan loh
Qns : What will you do if 15 leaves you ?Ans: sad cuz dun wan lose a frienz mah
Qns : What will you do if theres no 20 ?Ans : i ll ve 1 lesser frienz
Qns : Is your index number someone special to you ?Ans : Number 14 well, no
Qns : Rate 17,18 and 19 from 1 to 10. Ans : pei ying(7) kai ying(6) sheryl(6)
Qns : What will you do if 10 asked you out one day ?Ans : then just go out loh
Qns : Rate 7,8 and 9 from 1 to 10 .Ans : Bernadette(9) Xinyi(8) Melissa(7.5) Qns : Name 5 "numbers" you love .Ans : i <3 no.24 but there isn't any 24 here
Qns: Name 20 victims to do this .Ans : thy wan do then do loh
♥ 0 lovely notes