Thursday, November 30, 2006
11:38 AM ♥
yesterday went to downtown east wif East E wow vein cg at Escape theme park so fun worr ya we met up 2gether at small mac then went then 2 meet the rest i tried a lot of exciting rides wif them n of course breakthrough in my courage but i still think i scream a lot cuz i was quite afraid but among all i think i realli enjoyed the hunted house even though i scream a lot in there cai juan was the first to lead follow by siew ling who had volunteered to go first be4 tat then sabrina then mii n the rest lah throughout the jorney we scream a lot n i could still remember one part wherre the light kept flashing then off caijuan scream sayin tat she could not see the way so we stood there n scream until the staff show us the way wif the lights from his phone we came out screamin lol then oso the wet n wild i sat wif siew ling she sat behind cuz i dun dare wat but when goin up the track we ll quite scared lah so for the first one we shout each other name then for the highest one we shou"you rox" but i think i shout ah loudest since i m oways the timid one then oso the rainbow where caijuan was afraid of keep shouting realli enjoy ourselves n the ticket cost $6 plus free ice-cream n snack as well as one free canival games i didn win anythin lah but i realli know more pp over there
♥ 0 lovely notes