Tuesday, November 28, 2006
12:51 PM ♥
yesterday went to visit my grandma so i was not at home throughout the day went to shop around mall cuz my mum want to buy a pair of shoe for my grandma for the coming weddin dinner spent quite some time or should be a lot so didn do anythin much went home at about 10pm then watch tv until 2am+ around there so today woke up at 12.10pm realli so tired then ve to finish some work omg i still ve not finish a lot of holiday hw everythin is in a mess cuz i doin revision for my subjects i hardworkin mah lol but later still ve sherpherd claz so i should better ve a gd rest or maybe lunch first lah cuz i hungry le yup i very excited for the dec camp looking forward ! i want to experience breakthrough durin tis camp!!!
can u believe tis?
13 more days to camp !!!
♥ 0 lovely notes