Tuesday, November 28, 2006
1:19 PM ♥
Message: This quiz has 85 questions.Here's what you're supposed to do....and DON'T spoil the fun.Change all the answers so that they apply to you.Put how long it took u to do in the subject.The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you.
Start Time: 1.18pm
2. Name:siqin
3. Nickname: ah qin
4. If u were a skittle what color would you be?white
5. Chinese Zodiac:goat
6. Zodiac: taurus
7. Hair color: black
8. Eye color: brown
9.Height: around 155m,long time didn take le
10. Favorite Color: white
11. glasses?: ya
12. Braces?: no
13. Piercing/tattoos?: 4 ear holes only
15. Area code: 520282
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Cut your own hair?: ya, for fun
18. Did you do something in the past month thatyou regret?: yes
20. Kissed someone who isn't ur g/f or b/f?: no
21. Skipped school?: yes, to catch a movie
22. Bungee jumped?: no, i dun dare
23. Had sex outside?: no
24. Dumped someone?: yes,vry long long time ago
25. Been arrested?: no, i so guai
26. TP'd someone's house?: no
27. Won something?: of course
30. Been rejected?: in wat way?
31. Been to a funeral?: when i was 1-2yrs old
32. Used a lighter?: ya
33. Been on stage?: tat of course
34. Season: spring
35. Food: anythin tat can be eaten n look nice
36. Icream flavor:strawberry
37. School subject(s): all the subjects i m learnin
38. Person?: God
41. Book(s): bible n my txt book
42. Movie(s): Death note, tokoyo drift, the grey zone(abt NAZI party)
43. Song?: depend on my mood
44. Park?: theme park can?
45. State: dun like
46. Place: Y-hope, r.c, my house
47. Sport to watch : table-tennis
49. Bands/musicians: anythin
50. Letter(s): nth
51. Restaurant: fish co. ,secret recipe , Sumo house etc.
52.Cartoon Character(s): disney baby, piglet especially
53. TV Station(s): dun like
54. Name for a son: . . .
55. Name for a daughter: . . .
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
58. Long relationships or one night stands ? :long relationshipp
59. Dogs or cats?: dogs
60. Scary movies or comedies?: neither
61. Short hair or long: just nice
62. Croutons or bacon bits?:bacon bits
63. Kissing or hugging: hugging
64. Mexicans: chicken
65. School: EVSS
Grass: green
67. Cow: milk
68. Canada: pizza
69. Mouse: mickey mouse
70. Hands: finger-nail
71. Watched a movie?: no
72. Talked on the phone?: no
73. Cried?: yes
74. Threw up?: no
75. Drank a glass of water?: common sense
76. Done Drugs?: impossible
77. Read a book or magazine?: ya
78. Watched TV?: ya
79. Looked in the mirror?: of course
80. Taken a shower?: of course
81. Taken a picture?: yues
82. Listened to music?: yup
83. Kissed someone?: no
85. Told someone you liked them: no
realise some qn are quite stupid haha
♥ 0 lovely notes