Thursday, December 11, 2008
8:04 PM ♥
I am so glad that my mother is quite responsive toward accepting Christ. I was having my dinner with my mother at a nearby coffee shop; where I asked her if there is a possibility for her to receive Christ. Guess what my mother have reply? She said that she still cannot feel the presence of God yet, BUT she thinks after she would be able to get the feeling after visiting the church a few more times. I am so damn happy! My dream of getting my mother to receive Christ is drawing close! I really hope that my mother would want to attend a Christmas celebration at my aunt’s church this month, I hope she can feel God presence. I pray that God can continue to stir her heart, pray that she would make the first step to open her heart to God. Amen.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Thursday, December 11, 2008
8:04 PM ♥
I am so glad that my mother is quite responsive toward accepting Christ. I was having my dinner with my mother at a nearby coffee shop; where I asked her if there is a possibility for her to receive Christ. Guess what my mother have reply? She said that she still cannot feel the presence of God yet, BUT she thinks after she would be able to get the feeling after visiting the church a few more times. I am so damn happy! My dream of getting my mother to receive Christ is drawing close! I really hope that my mother would want to attend a Christmas celebration at my aunt’s church this month, I hope she can feel God presence. I pray that God can continue to stir her heart, pray that she would make the first step to open her heart to God. Amen.