Thursday, July 24, 2008
10:08 PM ♥
It has been raining for the past few days. Arghh... ... i am down with cold again! Even though i had begin to take my vitamin C drink daily, i still tend to catch a cold easily. Perhaps my immune system is quite weak. I am feeling quite weak now, feeling giddy, some coughing, sneezing, and having a bit of blur vision. Oh my!
I am glad that i was on time for today's care-group, in fact, i was 2 minutes earlier. Thinking about it, all i needed to keep me on time was the initiative to leave the house ealier. And of course, i am sure that i can change my bad habit if i am willing to put the extra effort. If i can do it, i am sure that everyone can do it too! Being punctual is basically a sense of respect for both the others and ourselves. We should honour other people's time the way we honour our time. Does it mean that the latecomers's time is more precious than those who are on time? Of course not! Time is so precious that it cannot be bought by the influence of money. Sneezing... ...
sick and tired
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Thursday, July 24, 2008
10:08 PM ♥
It has been raining for the past few days. Arghh... ... i am down with cold again! Even though i had begin to take my vitamin C drink daily, i still tend to catch a cold easily. Perhaps my immune system is quite weak. I am feeling quite weak now, feeling giddy, some coughing, sneezing, and having a bit of blur vision. Oh my!
I am glad that i was on time for today's care-group, in fact, i was 2 minutes earlier. Thinking about it, all i needed to keep me on time was the initiative to leave the house ealier. And of course, i am sure that i can change my bad habit if i am willing to put the extra effort. If i can do it, i am sure that everyone can do it too! Being punctual is basically a sense of respect for both the others and ourselves. We should honour other people's time the way we honour our time. Does it mean that the latecomers's time is more precious than those who are on time? Of course not! Time is so precious that it cannot be bought by the influence of money. Sneezing... ...
sick and tired