Friday, January 25, 2008
8:38 PM ♥
today my day is really much better as compared to yesterday, my heart lightened alot. i went out around 1pm+ to the tampines library. i was doing my GP homework at first, but later i saw cheng kang. i then realised that cheng kang, wilfred and ruwan are meeting there this afternoon. at around 2pm+, i went to the macdonald near the CPF building to meet up with the two guys. ranjetha then came along to join us. we were then discussing about what courses or the plans we have after receiving our results. singapore polytechnic seems to be a popular choice than any other school, i guess i will have to face tough competition in the bio-medical course then! after lots of talking, we went to watch a movie with cheng kang, wilfred and ruwan and jun wei. at first they wanted to watched "The house", but i was way to scare to watch it, so we decided to watch " cloverfield" instead of others. my first though about this movie was that it may be quite similar to" resident evil" or" i am legend", however to my surprise, it appeared to be a better movie than the other two. some of the parts were really disguesting, especially the monsters. i really got to mention that i felt very giddy during the movie. the movie was shot as if it was from a video cam, so during the shaky parts like running, i really felt like puking. generally, the movie was pretty nice and entertaining. by the way, i really felt that this trip today really cheer me up, i am feeling much better now. i also want to thank mrs tan from giving me many advices from choosing the different courses available. after that, i went out with my mum and sis for dinner. today was quite fulfilling, i believe i can recover from my blow very soon.

headless statue...
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Friday, January 25, 2008
8:38 PM ♥
today my day is really much better as compared to yesterday, my heart lightened alot. i went out around 1pm+ to the tampines library. i was doing my GP homework at first, but later i saw cheng kang. i then realised that cheng kang, wilfred and ruwan are meeting there this afternoon. at around 2pm+, i went to the macdonald near the CPF building to meet up with the two guys. ranjetha then came along to join us. we were then discussing about what courses or the plans we have after receiving our results. singapore polytechnic seems to be a popular choice than any other school, i guess i will have to face tough competition in the bio-medical course then! after lots of talking, we went to watch a movie with cheng kang, wilfred and ruwan and jun wei. at first they wanted to watched "The house", but i was way to scare to watch it, so we decided to watch " cloverfield" instead of others. my first though about this movie was that it may be quite similar to" resident evil" or" i am legend", however to my surprise, it appeared to be a better movie than the other two. some of the parts were really disguesting, especially the monsters. i really got to mention that i felt very giddy during the movie. the movie was shot as if it was from a video cam, so during the shaky parts like running, i really felt like puking. generally, the movie was pretty nice and entertaining. by the way, i really felt that this trip today really cheer me up, i am feeling much better now. i also want to thank mrs tan from giving me many advices from choosing the different courses available. after that, i went out with my mum and sis for dinner. today was quite fulfilling, i believe i can recover from my blow very soon.

headless statue...