407 chalet at aloha... ...
Saturday, January 12, 2008
3:32 PM ♥
i met up wif priscilla at 4pm at the tampines bus interchange, but as usual, i was late. but fortunately priscilla was not angry about it. we took bus 29 and head to the changi bus terminal, however the sky suddenly turned dark and result in a heavy downpour. luckly i brought an umbrella along or else we would get really wet. priscilla make a phone call to jeevan upon our arrival, however no one picks it up, so i tired to call Darryl instead. after all the talkings, we went down the hill to look for the chalet, but we failed. finally after all the confusion, jeevan went to pick us up. the chalet was rather big, with 3 bedrooms, 3 toilets, and a large kitchen. Quite a lot of people had arrive and some were playing, while the others chatting. then the bbq took place! chef vicky and chef jeevan were trying to bbq some satay, but all satay turned out to be so black and burned, but it was still nice to eat. Darryl was then saying that burned food contain wat XXXXXXX substance which can cause cancer, JC brains! we did bbq quite a lot of food, but we still have much left. i think wei jie is the person who stood at the pit for the longest time. by then, many of them had left. Darryl was saying that tonight has a one hour special for' D-gray Man', but turned out only half an hour. during mid-night, jeevan and some of us were cooking some otah, hotdog... .... kah beng then suggest to cook the mid-joints by the microwave, i am telling for sure it will be... ... actually, i do confess myself disappointed to the chalet. at the aloha chalet, there isn't much entertainment facilities available. so people had to go to the changi village which is quite a distance. although i did not take any photograph, but i think Darryl's blog should have some.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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407 chalet at aloha... ...
Saturday, January 12, 2008
3:32 PM ♥
i met up wif priscilla at 4pm at the tampines bus interchange, but as usual, i was late. but fortunately priscilla was not angry about it. we took bus 29 and head to the changi bus terminal, however the sky suddenly turned dark and result in a heavy downpour. luckly i brought an umbrella along or else we would get really wet. priscilla make a phone call to jeevan upon our arrival, however no one picks it up, so i tired to call Darryl instead. after all the talkings, we went down the hill to look for the chalet, but we failed. finally after all the confusion, jeevan went to pick us up. the chalet was rather big, with 3 bedrooms, 3 toilets, and a large kitchen. Quite a lot of people had arrive and some were playing, while the others chatting. then the bbq took place! chef vicky and chef jeevan were trying to bbq some satay, but all satay turned out to be so black and burned, but it was still nice to eat. Darryl was then saying that burned food contain wat XXXXXXX substance which can cause cancer, JC brains! we did bbq quite a lot of food, but we still have much left. i think wei jie is the person who stood at the pit for the longest time. by then, many of them had left. Darryl was saying that tonight has a one hour special for' D-gray Man', but turned out only half an hour. during mid-night, jeevan and some of us were cooking some otah, hotdog... .... kah beng then suggest to cook the mid-joints by the microwave, i am telling for sure it will be... ... actually, i do confess myself disappointed to the chalet. at the aloha chalet, there isn't much entertainment facilities available. so people had to go to the changi village which is quite a distance. although i did not take any photograph, but i think Darryl's blog should have some.