cosPLAY ... ..
Monday, January 14, 2008
6:34 PM ♥
actually i am not much into cosplay, however since i knew Darryl from 407, i got more information about cosplay. by the way, he is much got into japanese animation. japanese animations are all pretty good with the graphics and stuff like this. just yesterday, Darryl show me a web site which showcase lots of cosplay photos which are really good.
as compared to the ones in singapore, i think it will make some difference. i think from this website are those proffesional ones. however, those in singapore ones are still not bad, but maybe can do some more improvement to attain a higher level. i believe that cosplay is not easy as it requires a lot of courage to stand out of the people. so keep up the good work, cosplayers! after looking through much of the photos, i think that it is pretty hard to cosplay the characters in final fantasy VII such as cloud, yazoo, tifa... ... there are also many photos which i find them very nice. so, i do hope that more people will get know to cosplay, where my sis is already one.
* do visit the website!
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Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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cosPLAY ... ..
Monday, January 14, 2008
6:34 PM ♥
actually i am not much into cosplay, however since i knew Darryl from 407, i got more information about cosplay. by the way, he is much got into japanese animation. japanese animations are all pretty good with the graphics and stuff like this. just yesterday, Darryl show me a web site which showcase lots of cosplay photos which are really good.
as compared to the ones in singapore, i think it will make some difference. i think from this website are those proffesional ones. however, those in singapore ones are still not bad, but maybe can do some more improvement to attain a higher level. i believe that cosplay is not easy as it requires a lot of courage to stand out of the people. so keep up the good work, cosplayers! after looking through much of the photos, i think that it is pretty hard to cosplay the characters in final fantasy VII such as cloud, yazoo, tifa... ... there are also many photos which i find them very nice. so, i do hope that more people will get know to cosplay, where my sis is already one.
* do visit the website!