Friday, January 25, 2008
12:13 AM ♥
got my result le
L1R5 raw score - 8
horray !!!!
but the happiest thing is tat i had a lot improvement in my el i never dream of getting A2 for el so i was like so dam high when i noe my result however doing well in O-lvl does not mean that i ll continue to progress smoothly so i really got to work even harder for those who didn do well i ll say tat cheer up if u had put in ur best wateva result u get u shld be happy abt it becuz u at least try ur best well i m saying tis is becuz i do experience such things in my life too but mine is not like examination exam lahx i failed many times too in life especailly when i m in my sec 2 year when my everyday is like hell - well i m not going to rake abt my past again
after getting my result i went to thx few of my teacher or shld i say most who ever i can find in the hall but still i wan thx them again
i want to thx -
Ms Audrey Tan ( though she is aready married & i shld't use Ms anymore, nvm)
she realli help mii a lot in my chem but i still didn achieve my a1 in chem well i noe i realli sux in pratical but she realli spend a lot of time n effort to help mii after school or during like the coaching
Mrs Cho
she help mii in my chem too and oso my chem teacher she oso stay back after school and class to answer my qn knowing tat i m actually vry dam problematic and keep asking y especailly questioning the answer given in the textbook
Mr Tsia
he is my physic teacher and he too spend a lot of time helping mii in physic oways stay back after sch answer my qn then oso i keep booking slot for consultation he was realli dam busy
Mr Goh
he help mii a lot in physic too and i oways ask him to help mii in my physic tat whenever he saw mii after sch outside the staff room he somehow noe i wan book slot for consultation le he oso give mii a lot of encouragement during the coaching period becuz i was realli dam stress out le
Mr Foo
he help mii in s.s and i ask him mark my 20 + SEQ which i did on my own from the 5 years series i guess tis realli scare him bahx anyway he told mii tat till now he still ve not finish marking all my essay ^^
Ms Tan H.H
she help mii lotts in geo and oso mark my extra work i did from 5 yrs series keep asking her when she can finish marking my paper cuz i wan revise it for Os she is patient wif mii since i oways have problem in my map-reading my map-reading sux arh
sorrie to say that , no more geo for mii anymore!!!
Mrs Mani
she help mii in math and oso my maths teacher lahx oways give us papers to do and i oways didn do ^^ she has high expectation for mii
Mrs Tan S.L
she is my MT teacher who is realli vry gd she train us hard drill us hard during the bridging period and i keep asking her to mark my own written essay stay back after ach consult her qn and ask her how to rite gd essay tat can score well
my Math tutor
he help mii most in both my a and e math without his help i sure die de give mii homework do and oways make coffee for mii during tution cuz i didn sleep enough so tend to fall asleep never fail to answer every single qn i duno how to do he realli vry pro hope i can con't the tution soon
my El tutor
though i didn had the tution long but it realli help mii i got a2 tis time my prelim was like c5 only lohx so i realli wan thx him his tution lesson is vry fun and i begin to pick up habits like reading newspaper becuz i use to hate newspaper
the rest of the teachers oso help mii too
but currently cannot think of any other so realli vry sorrie abt tat
next want to thx some of my dearie frienz like :
Cai Juan
my shepherd arh noe i dam stress then keep smsing mii to jia you etc realli give mii lotts of encouragement during my Os period helping one another in our subjects too
Xue Er
we oways go consult teacher together then oways feel so guilty pestering the teachers too much help one another in our subjects too like helping to answer each other doubt
she oways sms mii to encourage mii tell mii jia you etc for my Os
Qian Hui
she oso help mii in my physic too sometimes dun noe how to do then ll ask her cuz she do vry fast for her physic pratice paper arh
Xin Rui
like qian hui i oso ask her for help somtimes when i dunno how do tat qn
well there are still many of them but due to time constraint i cannot rite down everything
but here are the people
gui ling, fu yee, yuan zheng, sirong, ruwan, kai wen, sin ee, . . . . . . most of the 406 student
anyway thx lotts guy
♥ 0 lovely notes