Thursday, January 31, 2008
7:20 PM ♥
today i woke up pretty early, probably about 8.30am. (that may not sound as early to many people) i just cannot get into sleep after waking up. i think it must be the curtain my parent removed, which made the room very bright. however, today is unlike my usual day where i slag the whole day. i did some spring cleaning in the early afternoon. i tried to throw away some stuffs so that my table will not be stock up with many trash. while i was packing, i accidentally cut my hand which gave me an ugly mark. i believe that the mark would not be gone so soon. thinking back, i just realised that i have not finished my tuition homework yet. oh shit. but, i am happy to announce that i finally managed to clear my game ' call for duty 4' last month. really took me a hard time to complete this game. the reason is that i play the most difficult mode, that is why i always run out of battery before i complete the level. phew.....finally. chinese new year is just around the corner, just next week. i am happy that i can eat steamboat at home. i remeber that last year i had my steamboat at my aunt's place, so i can finally have it at home. what i am so happy about is that eating at home allows me to open the fruit yougart wine i have at home. yipeee...i have been wanting to drink that but my parent let me have tiger beer instead. so, eating at home gives me a good reason to open the bottle of wine. cheers!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Thursday, January 31, 2008
7:20 PM ♥
today i woke up pretty early, probably about 8.30am. (that may not sound as early to many people) i just cannot get into sleep after waking up. i think it must be the curtain my parent removed, which made the room very bright. however, today is unlike my usual day where i slag the whole day. i did some spring cleaning in the early afternoon. i tried to throw away some stuffs so that my table will not be stock up with many trash. while i was packing, i accidentally cut my hand which gave me an ugly mark. i believe that the mark would not be gone so soon. thinking back, i just realised that i have not finished my tuition homework yet. oh shit. but, i am happy to announce that i finally managed to clear my game ' call for duty 4' last month. really took me a hard time to complete this game. the reason is that i play the most difficult mode, that is why i always run out of battery before i complete the level. phew.....finally. chinese new year is just around the corner, just next week. i am happy that i can eat steamboat at home. i remeber that last year i had my steamboat at my aunt's place, so i can finally have it at home. what i am so happy about is that eating at home allows me to open the fruit yougart wine i have at home. yipeee...i have been wanting to drink that but my parent let me have tiger beer instead. so, eating at home gives me a good reason to open the bottle of wine. cheers!