nEw yEAR, NeW XperienCE.....

Thursday, January 03, 2008 8:32 PM

a new year has just passed, and i am glad that i finally received my pay! even though it is not a lot, but it really does come in time. actually i was kind of broke in that week not totally because i lost some money in the game of majong, but because i went with qin to eat at seoul garden. hmm......with the pay i receive now, i can finally satisfy my needs for material possesion. i do thought of saving up half of my pay while the other half to be spent, but i was not sure if i should buy a phone or to rebond my hair. so, i am kind of confused right now, i should say that i am at lost of what i really wanted. fickler minder isn't it? i have just heard recently from my fellow friends that my class is having a chalet ( yipee......) , BUT, i thin most probably i would not be going because... ... haiz (somethings are really hard to say) i think because i am afraid that ... ...

-siqi :#

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