Monday, December 31, 2007
8:27 PM ♥
today is the last day of year 2007
went eat seoul garden today but mii and siqi went quite late so got to wait for a while so walk around last sat ' someone ' hint mii about 3 jan arh so went around see gifts ^^ saw keiko on the way so qiao worr i ate quite a lot of food and wat i like best is tat i can do my own cooking i never cook before arh so to mii tis is kind of special i love the prawn prawn !! i ate quite a lot at least more than an hour de becuz too fulll le so i just miss the ice-cream nvm at home still got a lot cuz my parents suddenly go buy lotts of ice-cream feel bloated plus feel kind of giddy maybe becuz _____ so a little bit not feeling well lohx but went home sleep a while then feel better didn go see fireworks as plan cuz kind of tired arh and 31 Dec is never a good day for mii every year on this day something or many things bad ll happen on mii i remember last year i topple the water bottle and wet siqi's holiday homework but anyway hope everyone will have a blessed 2008 ahead( adapt from cai juan ) !!!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Monday, December 31, 2007
8:27 PM ♥
today is the last day of year 2007
went eat seoul garden today but mii and siqi went quite late so got to wait for a while so walk around last sat ' someone ' hint mii about 3 jan arh so went around see gifts ^^ saw keiko on the way so qiao worr i ate quite a lot of food and wat i like best is tat i can do my own cooking i never cook before arh so to mii tis is kind of special i love the prawn prawn !! i ate quite a lot at least more than an hour de becuz too fulll le so i just miss the ice-cream nvm at home still got a lot cuz my parents suddenly go buy lotts of ice-cream feel bloated plus feel kind of giddy maybe becuz _____ so a little bit not feeling well lohx but went home sleep a while then feel better didn go see fireworks as plan cuz kind of tired arh and 31 Dec is never a good day for mii every year on this day something or many things bad ll happen on mii i remember last year i topple the water bottle and wet siqi's holiday homework but anyway hope everyone will have a blessed 2008 ahead( adapt from cai juan ) !!!