Thursday, December 20, 2007
9:24 PM ♥
went c.o bbq today cai juan msg mii ytd at 12 something but i sleep le mahx so didn reply her until tis morning then noe duno y didn receive xinyi's msg arh went seng kang see grandma wif my parents but before that went 800+ tat side eat the western food quite nice especailly the pasta and some more price is affordable not vry ex de bought pancake wif cocnut filling which is my favourite and some other snack to grandma house for her eat after we left grandma house then went tm shop cuz got to mit xinyi and cai juan there wif siqi xinyi bring us to rachel house tat side mahx my parents keep asking mii and qi to shop on our own went see hp becuz mine going spoil le cai juan was late lohx make the three of us wait for 15 min but on the way saw ying ying and shi ching take bus to rachel house then go bbq but tis time only mii, siqi and caijuan are the senior there excluding ching leong and marcus who is senior's senior lahx so kind of not used to cuz didn noe them well but most that we noe went home kind of early lohx so we were like ____ well i realli miss the previous co bbq where many of the senior which is from our batch went for the bbq and we stayed and play until quite late saw jiao lian wif his daughter and wife there and oso mg goh so we chat wif them for a while jiao lian's daughter was kind of cute lahx keep chasing guang yang and she splashed water on us wet our bag xinyi sat tat she quite dao cuz she ignored her went she say hii to her she did that to mii too she is call nemo vry interesting lohx eat the food though the hotdog kind of burnt the satay was nice and i love the fish lotts i wonder who bbq it de then oso the chicken wing i manage to eat it with forks but xinyi dam pro she use spoon de then saw andrew use hand wah so method avaliable to use to eat chicken wing arh but i love thte sotong ball more and not forgeting mashmarrow we bbq it it taste heavenly mr goh say that it is the best food to comfort pp and it realli taste nice when u bbq it for the rite time and eat it in one time mr goh help mii bbq first then after that i oso try on my own cuz i find it vry hot arh cuz put close to the fire he is rite it taste nice so many of us were bbq-ing mashmarrow then play game '' meng-seh'' i kanna forefit once got to tell jiao lian he vry '' huo'' cuz he was wearing the clothes wif a burning flame he dam bad lohx scared us make us scream cuz we didn notice him his daughter then splash water and wet our bag cuz we put it near to the fountain cai juan forefit was high too she got to run behind guang yang wif nemo chasing her those who were there ll understand wat i m trying to say then went the clubhouse which look dam grand cuz cai juan wan use toliet oso went to the pool play if water only go to the shallow water cuz scared wet our pants or short xinyi accidentally cuz her leg so cai juan faster went find plaster for us after tat we just sit and chit chat the rest then left to go home le so we oso went back my dad offer drive mii and siqi home so xinyi pei cai juan to bus stop well i realli ve a nice day went home le then my parents give mii my x-mas gift which is a ________ quite ex arh but is nice and i realli like it lotts looking forward to class chalet~

bbq-ing mashmarrow
xinyi, mii and cai juan playing wif water
the three of us again
the water is cold

ex-liu qin

eating in progress
rest of pp bbq-ing
siqi & xinyi walking to the bbq pit
cai juan, xinyi & siqi
mii, xinyi & siqi
tan bo yue
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Thursday, December 20, 2007
9:24 PM ♥
went c.o bbq today cai juan msg mii ytd at 12 something but i sleep le mahx so didn reply her until tis morning then noe duno y didn receive xinyi's msg arh went seng kang see grandma wif my parents but before that went 800+ tat side eat the western food quite nice especailly the pasta and some more price is affordable not vry ex de bought pancake wif cocnut filling which is my favourite and some other snack to grandma house for her eat after we left grandma house then went tm shop cuz got to mit xinyi and cai juan there wif siqi xinyi bring us to rachel house tat side mahx my parents keep asking mii and qi to shop on our own went see hp becuz mine going spoil le cai juan was late lohx make the three of us wait for 15 min but on the way saw ying ying and shi ching take bus to rachel house then go bbq but tis time only mii, siqi and caijuan are the senior there excluding ching leong and marcus who is senior's senior lahx so kind of not used to cuz didn noe them well but most that we noe went home kind of early lohx so we were like ____ well i realli miss the previous co bbq where many of the senior which is from our batch went for the bbq and we stayed and play until quite late saw jiao lian wif his daughter and wife there and oso mg goh so we chat wif them for a while jiao lian's daughter was kind of cute lahx keep chasing guang yang and she splashed water on us wet our bag xinyi sat tat she quite dao cuz she ignored her went she say hii to her she did that to mii too she is call nemo vry interesting lohx eat the food though the hotdog kind of burnt the satay was nice and i love the fish lotts i wonder who bbq it de then oso the chicken wing i manage to eat it with forks but xinyi dam pro she use spoon de then saw andrew use hand wah so method avaliable to use to eat chicken wing arh but i love thte sotong ball more and not forgeting mashmarrow we bbq it it taste heavenly mr goh say that it is the best food to comfort pp and it realli taste nice when u bbq it for the rite time and eat it in one time mr goh help mii bbq first then after that i oso try on my own cuz i find it vry hot arh cuz put close to the fire he is rite it taste nice so many of us were bbq-ing mashmarrow then play game '' meng-seh'' i kanna forefit once got to tell jiao lian he vry '' huo'' cuz he was wearing the clothes wif a burning flame he dam bad lohx scared us make us scream cuz we didn notice him his daughter then splash water and wet our bag cuz we put it near to the fountain cai juan forefit was high too she got to run behind guang yang wif nemo chasing her those who were there ll understand wat i m trying to say then went the clubhouse which look dam grand cuz cai juan wan use toliet oso went to the pool play if water only go to the shallow water cuz scared wet our pants or short xinyi accidentally cuz her leg so cai juan faster went find plaster for us after tat we just sit and chit chat the rest then left to go home le so we oso went back my dad offer drive mii and siqi home so xinyi pei cai juan to bus stop well i realli ve a nice day went home le then my parents give mii my x-mas gift which is a ________ quite ex arh but is nice and i realli like it lotts looking forward to class chalet~

bbq-ing mashmarrow
xinyi, mii and cai juan playing wif water
the three of us again
the water is cold

ex-liu qin

eating in progress
rest of pp bbq-ing
siqi & xinyi walking to the bbq pit
cai juan, xinyi & siqi
mii, xinyi & siqi
tan bo yue