Sunday, December 23, 2007
12:39 PM ♥
no work ytd so dam happy becuz i realli feel so exhausted le tat day mit a crazy guy shouting at the mrt aready dam scary le spend all day slacking at home watching tv and reading books and bible kind of boring so realli hope i can work at EPPS soon went popular buy post stick cuz i got poor memory so heel cai juan's suggestion of writing what learn and then stick it in my bible and i decide to re-read my bible for the third-time i wonder why i never make it to the old testi wan i have not buy any x-mas gift yet cuz kind of stress i wan buy new hp cuz hp dying le mahx but the promotion is ending today but somemore is at orchard tat side got to travel all the way there alone buy mehx so decide not to buy lohx but i oso dunno wat hp i should buy no specail like for any model so in confused state then oso thought of buying bag but shld buy from yellow or from eight percent somemore tomoro having lunch wif my auntm so maybe i should get x-mas gift by today bahx so many things to decide arh so realli hatez to be in tis situation haiz better stick wif my old dam lousy hp first bahx so at least dun ve to think so much now it is realli better to just sit back and recieve present =)
happy x-mas !
♥ 0 lovely notes