Wednesday, December 19, 2007
7:17 PM ♥
ytd was the release of n lvl result but does not realli concern mii lahx work at EPPS as usual actually is not open wan but got to move to the main bookshop arr so got to pack and carry the things and stuff auntie laura was dam early went i reach she was aready in the shop wif the yang qing xiao mei mei (from c.o who oways cum in to chat wif us cuz she came too early) so both of us faster go pack stuff and do the plastic cover etc then lin long came to help cuz he tall mahx and storng so can help carry and push the trolley wif the books lao ban oso came down help us so auntie laura went to the main bookshop i stay at the bookshop itself while lin long and lao ban transport the books i was just sitting there watch but sometimes still got to serve customer becuz some wan buy books while q-ing for uniform i was telling lin long- hao lei orhh wo yao qu chui feng shan le ^^ can c tat it is realli dam tiring for both of them to transport the books arh after tat though the bookshop is aready empty still got to serve customer so mii and ah long got to take turn run to the main bookshop to get books tis is lei de lohx so auntie laura tell us just ask customer go to her directly and both of us to carry remaining stuff there of course i choose the light wan but no choice arh still ve to carry the table wif ah long arnd 2pm then eat lunch wif all of them auntie laura dam scared of xiao qiang de lohx cuz got one died xiao qiang on the floor so i just exchange sits wif her nth much after except mii got to sweep the floor i duno how to sweep the floor wan and they say the way i hold the broom is wrong lah long keep saying- ni yi hou zhen yang jia de chu qu arh? lao ban allow us to go back early actually mit cai juan at 4.30 pm so i bought it forward went take mrt train wif ah long lohx realli dun understand why some pp dun nid umbrella cn just walk in the rain mit her and the rest of east 1derful at small mac that side so while waiting for cai juan cn talk to some other frienz saw shuh fen oso who ask mii whether i finish watching romantic princess immediately when she saw mii she realli like it lotts arh but i long time didn watch le then talk to yan yu, minyi, . . . etc after tat cai juan say wan buy the packet food cuz she feel like eating while waiting for jing jing so buy food le went to open plaza wif jing jing, mag and cai juan ltr then saw irene there i kind of spolsport cuz i didn wan play games wif them i wanted to read arhh must be hardworking mahx ^^ so watch them play '' what if'' and innocent got dragged in hahax play for a long time then they went buy bbt for us so left mii and cai juan want ask her some things abt previous sermon and from it i realise i got serious memory problem i cannot rmbr things well arh so realli got to ma fan my dear shepherd to keep reminding mii mag they all then call cai juan cuz they tell us get our bbt so got to ma fan slyvia to help us anyway got to know her ytd only but she is a nice person after tat sit there chat chat while cai juan share her experience wif us realli had a great time laughing went nite market walk walk cuz they pei mii buy some food to eat i finally bought xian su ji le it taste nice eh then walk home le i wasn't the latest becuz siqi and dad went out siqi went buy her ds lite watch tv as usual after tat then call chit chat a while
today almost late for work cuz my dad drive us there then got traffic jam by the time we reach kallang xiao yan auntie aready there wait for us le realli feel so ps arh she then bring us to lao ban niang car auntie ceclia aready in there le today went SC if the crowde but other than mii , xiao qi(how lao ban niang address siqi), auntie xiao yan, auntie ceclia and lao ban niang the rest take boss car luckily i last minute change to mit lao ban niang arh if not got to take van le i was kind of chi tun but siqi and uncle realli guide mii a lot and slowly strt to famiiliarise le so everything strt to be ok xaio yan auntie oso help mii a lot especially when i make mistake dun wan let lao ban niang noe if not i surely kanna her nagging almost make a serious mistake wif the cheque but luckily God bless mii today so realli got to pray that there is nthing wrong wif the cheque plz God got to help mii again kk but after tat i rmbr not to make same mistake again mit a dam troublesome parents dam dao wan keep complaining for not accepting nets i was like dam pissed off but i just smile lohx she purposely make my life difficult de so lao ban niang came to the rescue friday she going look for mii again so they were saying tat ltr she find wrong person cuz she dunno mii and xiao qi is twins con't pack stuff and sell until 5 plus then lao ban niang drive us to mrt station take mrt wif the aunties then after tat went buy food eat as usual like the snack at quick-bite tat side de friday got to wake up dam early le cuz meeting even earlier then usual heard tat guo xi and ah long going prepare x-mas feast for us haahx
feeling dam confuse wif some issue rite now
i realise tat sometimes maybe i should learn to let go and let nature takes it course
God tell mii what should i do kk
i dun wan to experience unnecessary trouble and pain
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
7:17 PM ♥
ytd was the release of n lvl result but does not realli concern mii lahx work at EPPS as usual actually is not open wan but got to move to the main bookshop arr so got to pack and carry the things and stuff auntie laura was dam early went i reach she was aready in the shop wif the yang qing xiao mei mei (from c.o who oways cum in to chat wif us cuz she came too early) so both of us faster go pack stuff and do the plastic cover etc then lin long came to help cuz he tall mahx and storng so can help carry and push the trolley wif the books lao ban oso came down help us so auntie laura went to the main bookshop i stay at the bookshop itself while lin long and lao ban transport the books i was just sitting there watch but sometimes still got to serve customer becuz some wan buy books while q-ing for uniform i was telling lin long- hao lei orhh wo yao qu chui feng shan le ^^ can c tat it is realli dam tiring for both of them to transport the books arh after tat though the bookshop is aready empty still got to serve customer so mii and ah long got to take turn run to the main bookshop to get books tis is lei de lohx so auntie laura tell us just ask customer go to her directly and both of us to carry remaining stuff there of course i choose the light wan but no choice arh still ve to carry the table wif ah long arnd 2pm then eat lunch wif all of them auntie laura dam scared of xiao qiang de lohx cuz got one died xiao qiang on the floor so i just exchange sits wif her nth much after except mii got to sweep the floor i duno how to sweep the floor wan and they say the way i hold the broom is wrong lah long keep saying- ni yi hou zhen yang jia de chu qu arh? lao ban allow us to go back early actually mit cai juan at 4.30 pm so i bought it forward went take mrt train wif ah long lohx realli dun understand why some pp dun nid umbrella cn just walk in the rain mit her and the rest of east 1derful at small mac that side so while waiting for cai juan cn talk to some other frienz saw shuh fen oso who ask mii whether i finish watching romantic princess immediately when she saw mii she realli like it lotts arh but i long time didn watch le then talk to yan yu, minyi, . . . etc after tat cai juan say wan buy the packet food cuz she feel like eating while waiting for jing jing so buy food le went to open plaza wif jing jing, mag and cai juan ltr then saw irene there i kind of spolsport cuz i didn wan play games wif them i wanted to read arhh must be hardworking mahx ^^ so watch them play '' what if'' and innocent got dragged in hahax play for a long time then they went buy bbt for us so left mii and cai juan want ask her some things abt previous sermon and from it i realise i got serious memory problem i cannot rmbr things well arh so realli got to ma fan my dear shepherd to keep reminding mii mag they all then call cai juan cuz they tell us get our bbt so got to ma fan slyvia to help us anyway got to know her ytd only but she is a nice person after tat sit there chat chat while cai juan share her experience wif us realli had a great time laughing went nite market walk walk cuz they pei mii buy some food to eat i finally bought xian su ji le it taste nice eh then walk home le i wasn't the latest becuz siqi and dad went out siqi went buy her ds lite watch tv as usual after tat then call chit chat a while
today almost late for work cuz my dad drive us there then got traffic jam by the time we reach kallang xiao yan auntie aready there wait for us le realli feel so ps arh she then bring us to lao ban niang car auntie ceclia aready in there le today went SC if the crowde but other than mii , xiao qi(how lao ban niang address siqi), auntie xiao yan, auntie ceclia and lao ban niang the rest take boss car luckily i last minute change to mit lao ban niang arh if not got to take van le i was kind of chi tun but siqi and uncle realli guide mii a lot and slowly strt to famiiliarise le so everything strt to be ok xaio yan auntie oso help mii a lot especially when i make mistake dun wan let lao ban niang noe if not i surely kanna her nagging almost make a serious mistake wif the cheque but luckily God bless mii today so realli got to pray that there is nthing wrong wif the cheque plz God got to help mii again kk but after tat i rmbr not to make same mistake again mit a dam troublesome parents dam dao wan keep complaining for not accepting nets i was like dam pissed off but i just smile lohx she purposely make my life difficult de so lao ban niang came to the rescue friday she going look for mii again so they were saying tat ltr she find wrong person cuz she dunno mii and xiao qi is twins con't pack stuff and sell until 5 plus then lao ban niang drive us to mrt station take mrt wif the aunties then after tat went buy food eat as usual like the snack at quick-bite tat side de friday got to wake up dam early le cuz meeting even earlier then usual heard tat guo xi and ah long going prepare x-mas feast for us haahx
feeling dam confuse wif some issue rite now
i realise tat sometimes maybe i should learn to let go and let nature takes it course
God tell mii what should i do kk
i dun wan to experience unnecessary trouble and pain