Sunday, July 15, 2007
6:05 PM ♥
woke up very early today because i fell asleep accidentally yesterday mahx then do my work cause 2pm got tution today desmond didn't come so only mii and siqi we did our essay on narrative really have a hard time because it is somehow like descripitve essay then as you know my descriptive really sux even though i manage to pass i got 25 for my previous essay !!! first time in my whole life well actually not really did on my own aready discuss it during tution then i write on my own keep arguing lahx then after that went 201 to buy foolscape and apple pie for my lunch after that my dad open his fruit wine luckily only few percentage of wine if not my face sure turn red wan haiz my phone under service then got to wait for few more days then can get back then sim card also no credit so got to top up later somemore have Os lc tomorrow got to jia you jia you le
♥ 0 lovely notes