Friday, June 29, 2007
5:25 PM ♥
reply to tag:
keiko- fail my test is ok de lahx cuz i also fail urs =)
jerry- thx 4 tagging i ve re-link u aready
brendon- thx a lot but regarding the font size i m too lazy 2 change ar so sorrie
xinyi- is ok lahx didn do well for my mini test is ok de =) when u upload pic sure go steal from u wan
xinxian- link u aready =)
want to thank pei ying for the tortoise hp keychain and xue ling for the dog hp keychain for the birthday present i love them lotts <33 thank you!!! also want to wish cindy HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
had my MT Os oral today it was quite difficult because though i study about the chi shan, but i didn they will ask in another way but at least i manage to be clam i didn't shiver well the oral passage was fine except don't know how some words but nevermind still can read it aloud wrongly since there will be no deduction in my marks for the conversation was quite ok except the examiner show a kind of attidue when i ask her to repeat again i did't manage to catch what she was saying but i still manage to express my view while smiling at her and looking into her eyes well she is not as fierce as what others had described her to be she looks quite ok to me for the other examiner she did't really pay attention when i was at the conversation because she was not in-charge of that but i wonder why she close her eyes well i guess i love the candy most a big bowl of candy is placed on the table for the examiners really wish i could get one but at least both the examiners smile at me i was quite relief i m not sure if i have answer correctly but hope i m right because they don't seem to ask me question other than one i had try several time to slow down hoping that she might ask me questions as i thought that i have being talking out of point hmm i m very glad about today's performance it is not because i had know the questions well but because i had try my best and put in all of my efforts
earlier on when for lunch with xue er , qian hui and xin rui after school i couldn't eat a lot of things in case my voice get affected i really made a lot of sacrifice because of the oral exam i did't do my homework, slept very late, neglect some people , . . . maybe is time for me to make up for it while i prepare myself for my remaining Os exam well also to thank siqi lotts because the points or things i had said in my oral are from siqi's composition so this time round got to help her for her oral instead
all the best to whoever who have not finish their MT O's oral exam
good luck
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Friday, June 29, 2007
5:25 PM ♥
reply to tag:
keiko- fail my test is ok de lahx cuz i also fail urs =)
jerry- thx 4 tagging i ve re-link u aready
brendon- thx a lot but regarding the font size i m too lazy 2 change ar so sorrie
xinyi- is ok lahx didn do well for my mini test is ok de =) when u upload pic sure go steal from u wan
xinxian- link u aready =)
want to thank pei ying for the tortoise hp keychain and xue ling for the dog hp keychain for the birthday present i love them lotts <33 thank you!!! also want to wish cindy HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
had my MT Os oral today it was quite difficult because though i study about the chi shan, but i didn they will ask in another way but at least i manage to be clam i didn't shiver well the oral passage was fine except don't know how some words but nevermind still can read it aloud wrongly since there will be no deduction in my marks for the conversation was quite ok except the examiner show a kind of attidue when i ask her to repeat again i did't manage to catch what she was saying but i still manage to express my view while smiling at her and looking into her eyes well she is not as fierce as what others had described her to be she looks quite ok to me for the other examiner she did't really pay attention when i was at the conversation because she was not in-charge of that but i wonder why she close her eyes well i guess i love the candy most a big bowl of candy is placed on the table for the examiners really wish i could get one but at least both the examiners smile at me i was quite relief i m not sure if i have answer correctly but hope i m right because they don't seem to ask me question other than one i had try several time to slow down hoping that she might ask me questions as i thought that i have being talking out of point hmm i m very glad about today's performance it is not because i had know the questions well but because i had try my best and put in all of my efforts
earlier on when for lunch with xue er , qian hui and xin rui after school i couldn't eat a lot of things in case my voice get affected i really made a lot of sacrifice because of the oral exam i did't do my homework, slept very late, neglect some people , . . . maybe is time for me to make up for it while i prepare myself for my remaining Os exam well also to thank siqi lotts because the points or things i had said in my oral are from siqi's composition so this time round got to help her for her oral instead
all the best to whoever who have not finish their MT O's oral exam
good luck