Sunday, July 08, 2007
4:24 AM ♥
went out again today !!
woke up at around 9am in the morning becuz i meeting cai juan at the small mac at arnd 11am 2 pass her her hw when she was absent wow cai juan suddenly become so guai liao ar like 2 do hw?? somemore need buy soe presents so got to set off early mahx as u know i vry fickle minded de buy 1 present can take abt 1h or so de so must be early if not late for my next schedule mahx went with siqi to shop then have lunch
went to meet yu jun and ruwan at the mrt track tat side we were early!!! haha finally earlier le at least yu jun tis time cannot laugh at mii and say' u r late again' mahx in the end i send hime tat msg instead went to safra to ply i love it lotts !!! want to ply pol again but no place so have to wait so we went to play cs at the cyber cafe nearby well my cs skills still quite noob lahx so cannot compare wif ruwan and yu jun de but siqi skills oso deprove maybe buz mii and siqi have been studying too much n ply too little ??? i managed to kill abt 17 pp in the game at awp i prefer awp ar at least i noe the place better and then can practice sniper skills wow i made improvement in my skills as i m not the one who kill the least people but when it came to de_rat then is the end of mii le i duno tat place lohx so can't even find them oways blur blur liddat wan then got kill without knowing i score the lowest for tat place but nvm i can oways learn wat i still can't ply dota cuz i got such a 'good' teacher who taught mii twice yet i still blur blur wif tat game
ruwan had a miss call and then told us that someone had took the table so got 2 wait again well we went to archery i m the only one who nvr try be4 lohx so my skills is lousy aiming skill also cannot make it i really had a hard time wearing the hand cover to protect my hand lohx
went play pool after that it was nice excep my skills suddenly drop to a standard where it is the worst among the worst so many foul play in a row plus didn even hit the ball lohx i was so pai seh ar but yu jun ,siqi and ruwan were quite patient wif mii thx lotss guys !!! it was so embrassed ltr when siqi and ruwan turn then miii and yu jun just chat lohx after chatting wif him i feel much better le cuz i m vry tired of my current life oways facing pile and pile of unfinished work which really drive mii crazy as Os is cumin closer i m getting more stressful hmm but luckily still got yu jun mahx i noe he will help mii and be there for mi de after tat we played again but tis time my skills was definately better but i still lost becuz the white ball went down wif the black one then we play team vs wan i really had a great tme there really
went sakura !!! ommg love tat place well got to thx yu jun and ruwan for treating mii and siqii today thx lots i noe surely spent a lot so really want to thx u guys!!! especaily the sakura when they paid for mii and siqi i ate quite a lot i simply love the food i ate so many sushi, udon, prawn, octopus, soup, oyster, dian xin, salad, abalone, a kind of abalone wif egg, small cakes , pudding, drinks. . . love the desert lehx especally the pudding and snow angel taste so nce ate so much tat i end up bloated then oso try yu jun's lamp chop which really thx nice i love the food arr this time sure going gain weight le lahx i finish the dian xin but yu jun went to feed one of it to a cat the cat was dam cute the eyes are so kawaii like the cat in the sherk 3 ar make us pity the cat especailly yu jun he fed the cat with my dian xin then with his lamp chop, oyester . . . wow tis cat is lucky to meet us but i was really afraid of tat cat becuz it sat behind my chair thx lotts yu jun !
then after tat ruwan got to go home so went to the bus stop but then ruwan's uncle fetching him so we went off first went to yu jun's house then watch tv and chat wif him while siqi do her maths hw so hardworking rite as usual i m still afraid of the dog lohx then he purposely used his dog to scare mii lohx it was 11 pm le so he sent us off lohx he accompany us home then went back le reach home quite late but luckily my parents didn get suspicious maybe becuz siqi went too my parents would definately nt allow mii to go home alone so late wan lohx
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, July 08, 2007
4:24 AM ♥
went out again today !!
woke up at around 9am in the morning becuz i meeting cai juan at the small mac at arnd 11am 2 pass her her hw when she was absent wow cai juan suddenly become so guai liao ar like 2 do hw?? somemore need buy soe presents so got to set off early mahx as u know i vry fickle minded de buy 1 present can take abt 1h or so de so must be early if not late for my next schedule mahx went with siqi to shop then have lunch
went to meet yu jun and ruwan at the mrt track tat side we were early!!! haha finally earlier le at least yu jun tis time cannot laugh at mii and say' u r late again' mahx in the end i send hime tat msg instead went to safra to ply i love it lotts !!! want to ply pol again but no place so have to wait so we went to play cs at the cyber cafe nearby well my cs skills still quite noob lahx so cannot compare wif ruwan and yu jun de but siqi skills oso deprove maybe buz mii and siqi have been studying too much n ply too little ??? i managed to kill abt 17 pp in the game at awp i prefer awp ar at least i noe the place better and then can practice sniper skills wow i made improvement in my skills as i m not the one who kill the least people but when it came to de_rat then is the end of mii le i duno tat place lohx so can't even find them oways blur blur liddat wan then got kill without knowing i score the lowest for tat place but nvm i can oways learn wat i still can't ply dota cuz i got such a 'good' teacher who taught mii twice yet i still blur blur wif tat game
ruwan had a miss call and then told us that someone had took the table so got 2 wait again well we went to archery i m the only one who nvr try be4 lohx so my skills is lousy aiming skill also cannot make it i really had a hard time wearing the hand cover to protect my hand lohx
went play pool after that it was nice excep my skills suddenly drop to a standard where it is the worst among the worst so many foul play in a row plus didn even hit the ball lohx i was so pai seh ar but yu jun ,siqi and ruwan were quite patient wif mii thx lotss guys !!! it was so embrassed ltr when siqi and ruwan turn then miii and yu jun just chat lohx after chatting wif him i feel much better le cuz i m vry tired of my current life oways facing pile and pile of unfinished work which really drive mii crazy as Os is cumin closer i m getting more stressful hmm but luckily still got yu jun mahx i noe he will help mii and be there for mi de after tat we played again but tis time my skills was definately better but i still lost becuz the white ball went down wif the black one then we play team vs wan i really had a great tme there really
went sakura !!! ommg love tat place well got to thx yu jun and ruwan for treating mii and siqii today thx lots i noe surely spent a lot so really want to thx u guys!!! especaily the sakura when they paid for mii and siqi i ate quite a lot i simply love the food i ate so many sushi, udon, prawn, octopus, soup, oyster, dian xin, salad, abalone, a kind of abalone wif egg, small cakes , pudding, drinks. . . love the desert lehx especally the pudding and snow angel taste so nce ate so much tat i end up bloated then oso try yu jun's lamp chop which really thx nice i love the food arr this time sure going gain weight le lahx i finish the dian xin but yu jun went to feed one of it to a cat the cat was dam cute the eyes are so kawaii like the cat in the sherk 3 ar make us pity the cat especailly yu jun he fed the cat with my dian xin then with his lamp chop, oyester . . . wow tis cat is lucky to meet us but i was really afraid of tat cat becuz it sat behind my chair thx lotts yu jun !
then after tat ruwan got to go home so went to the bus stop but then ruwan's uncle fetching him so we went off first went to yu jun's house then watch tv and chat wif him while siqi do her maths hw so hardworking rite as usual i m still afraid of the dog lohx then he purposely used his dog to scare mii lohx it was 11 pm le so he sent us off lohx he accompany us home then went back le reach home quite late but luckily my parents didn get suspicious maybe becuz siqi went too my parents would definately nt allow mii to go home alone so late wan lohx