Wednesday, June 20, 2007
2:03 AM ♥
went sentosa withkeiko, xinyi and siqi today keiko was the earliest among all the rest all late ar we took mrt train there then on the way keep talking mii and keiko were wearing shorts while siqi and xinyi wearing jeans or pants went to vivocity candy empire then the sweets sold there are so cute lohx but quite expensive so we didn buy went to buy tickets on the way saw people filming a varity show saw mark lee and one more person who is one of the campus superstar zhu chi ren took the train with xinyi as our tour guide introduce sentosa to us went to he beach station then took a tram tp palawan beach waited so long for the tram somemore so hot so scared of sunburn cuz my skin will turn red mahx siqi and xinyi went to change first then cross the bridge to the nearby beach area went to the other side of the beach so only we were there only took off shoe and play however the water is quite dirty ar a lot rubbish on the watch surface then got small fish keiko was scared of them so went to the crowded water didn do much at the beach just play a few games taught by xinyi but wewather too hot le so went to shelter sit at the second level that side chat and play game play concentration etc then lose le got to do some crazy action keiko then introduced us to her cutie piglet went to change after that again then took tram back to station went 7-11 buy drinks instead the q was so long lohx then went to bugis shop shop walk around parco bugis went to take neo-print with them and to bugis street to shop bought a earing so cute lehx then got one look like a biscuit wan so kawaii so tempting feel like buying a lot of items lohx then have dinner downstair all of us ate from the same stall but different kind but the vinegar added into our noodle make it taste some how horrible took a train home then so tired and my leg hurts maybe because i walk bare-footed at the beach bahx
neo-print taken:
other pic got 2 take from xinyi and keiko went they post bahx
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
2:03 AM ♥
went sentosa withkeiko, xinyi and siqi today keiko was the earliest among all the rest all late ar we took mrt train there then on the way keep talking mii and keiko were wearing shorts while siqi and xinyi wearing jeans or pants went to vivocity candy empire then the sweets sold there are so cute lohx but quite expensive so we didn buy went to buy tickets on the way saw people filming a varity show saw mark lee and one more person who is one of the campus superstar zhu chi ren took the train with xinyi as our tour guide introduce sentosa to us went to he beach station then took a tram tp palawan beach waited so long for the tram somemore so hot so scared of sunburn cuz my skin will turn red mahx siqi and xinyi went to change first then cross the bridge to the nearby beach area went to the other side of the beach so only we were there only took off shoe and play however the water is quite dirty ar a lot rubbish on the watch surface then got small fish keiko was scared of them so went to the crowded water didn do much at the beach just play a few games taught by xinyi but wewather too hot le so went to shelter sit at the second level that side chat and play game play concentration etc then lose le got to do some crazy action keiko then introduced us to her cutie piglet went to change after that again then took tram back to station went 7-11 buy drinks instead the q was so long lohx then went to bugis shop shop walk around parco bugis went to take neo-print with them and to bugis street to shop bought a earing so cute lehx then got one look like a biscuit wan so kawaii so tempting feel like buying a lot of items lohx then have dinner downstair all of us ate from the same stall but different kind but the vinegar added into our noodle make it taste some how horrible took a train home then so tired and my leg hurts maybe because i walk bare-footed at the beach bahx
neo-print taken:
other pic got 2 take from xinyi and keiko went they post bahx