Sunday, June 24, 2007
12:22 PM ♥
yesterday woke up quite late around 11 going 12pm went meet yu jun at the mrt track near my house haha i was early this is the second time i m earlier than him lohx wah he got 9 com lohx unfair wan i wonder why this world is so unfair somemore 19 inch monitor screen no wonder he and his bro likes to play com if i were to live in such an environment then maybe i won't do well in school too simply cannot resist the temptation of not using com i m still kind of scared of dogs maybe becuz i got chase by dog before anyway that's quite silly i won twice in checker but i really like the chess set he bought lohx it is so interesting and cute worr i learn to cook again though i didn do much because i was quite scared when the oil splatter i went back consider quite early le but nobody is at home lohx actually i was quite scared because i seldom stay home alone wan feel so unsafe ar then just do my physic while waiting for them to come back i slept at 2am so early rite becuz i was quite tired then pei siqi chat a while then so sleep le today i woke up at 9 am then as usual fell asleep until 10.30am then watch television later 2pm still have tution
♥ 0 lovely notes