Thursday, April 05, 2007
2:16 PM ♥
went for sport day today casue i very guai then wait for cai juan at the bus stop she was late again but luckily i waited for her if not she would alight at the wrong bus stop pei ying ,xin yi and rachel got counsellor duties then left me, siqi and cai juan at first got chase by the teacher to go back to our own houses but don't care meet at yellow house since ther was no teacher then also saw vanessa, wei xin, sun xiong, grace and many others (not sure if the name is spell like this) cannot remember names aready sat togerther for a while talking and playing with rubbish?!?! throw at one another then snap pictures of one another when didn't notice what liao also been "threatened" by the photo purposely take until so ugly luckily still got pei ying and grace to help me bao chou jing hui they all got join the NAFA thingy cause pei ying in-charge keep playing and playing until got chase away after that sport day is dam boring becasue there was nothing for me to do except sitting there and talk for many hours the bread was horrible anyway the weather was dam hot and i think i going to have heat stroke my face was so red luckily pei ying and rachel not there if not going to . . . this is the last sport day event so i m really glad that this is the last time i have to go for thie boring and 'torturing' event by making us sit under the hot sun at the end of the event
. . . cya
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Thursday, April 05, 2007
2:16 PM ♥
went for sport day today casue i very guai then wait for cai juan at the bus stop she was late again but luckily i waited for her if not she would alight at the wrong bus stop pei ying ,xin yi and rachel got counsellor duties then left me, siqi and cai juan at first got chase by the teacher to go back to our own houses but don't care meet at yellow house since ther was no teacher then also saw vanessa, wei xin, sun xiong, grace and many others (not sure if the name is spell like this) cannot remember names aready sat togerther for a while talking and playing with rubbish?!?! throw at one another then snap pictures of one another when didn't notice what liao also been "threatened" by the photo purposely take until so ugly luckily still got pei ying and grace to help me bao chou jing hui they all got join the NAFA thingy cause pei ying in-charge keep playing and playing until got chase away after that sport day is dam boring becasue there was nothing for me to do except sitting there and talk for many hours the bread was horrible anyway the weather was dam hot and i think i going to have heat stroke my face was so red luckily pei ying and rachel not there if not going to . . . this is the last sport day event so i m really glad that this is the last time i have to go for thie boring and 'torturing' event by making us sit under the hot sun at the end of the event
. . . cya