Sunday, April 01, 2007
11:58 AM ♥
here are the summary for yesterday:
1) went for c.o practice so tired cause i 'fell' asleep without knowing at around 12am then woke up at around 3am then stay awake , of course using my com again
2) the costume was horrible got only 15 min to cahnge up the hall was so hot then still have to button the collar thinggy feel as if i m going to have a heat stroke at least it is better than the previous SYF costume
3) accidentally drank xue lin's drink instead so sorry didn't know feeling so blurr
4) went for tution for 2h doing amaths drop in standard as i keep making careless mistake then my tutor ask me what time i sleep no wonder i feel so stupid because i didn have enough sleep and end up feeling so tired how to concentrate like that?
5) slept for more than 10h altogether this is my record for my secondary school year feeling so refresh right now when blogging
SYF tomorrow feeling so excited but quite scared because first time blowing sheng in SYF last time is liu qin anyway hope that we can achieve sliver
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, April 01, 2007
11:58 AM ♥
here are the summary for yesterday:
1) went for c.o practice so tired cause i 'fell' asleep without knowing at around 12am then woke up at around 3am then stay awake , of course using my com again
2) the costume was horrible got only 15 min to cahnge up the hall was so hot then still have to button the collar thinggy feel as if i m going to have a heat stroke at least it is better than the previous SYF costume
3) accidentally drank xue lin's drink instead so sorry didn't know feeling so blurr
4) went for tution for 2h doing amaths drop in standard as i keep making careless mistake then my tutor ask me what time i sleep no wonder i feel so stupid because i didn have enough sleep and end up feeling so tired how to concentrate like that?
5) slept for more than 10h altogether this is my record for my secondary school year feeling so refresh right now when blogging
SYF tomorrow feeling so excited but quite scared because first time blowing sheng in SYF last time is liu qin anyway hope that we can achieve sliver