Monday, April 02, 2007
11:56 PM ♥
BRONZE for SYF !!! some of us cried , some feeling disappointed and some just don't seem to bother after putting in so much of hard work including neglecting our study, skipping some of our programme we still did not meet our goal to achieve sliver well, i cried too i wonder what has gone wrong why can't we obtain sliver ?? when i first reach s'pore conference i was quite confident that we will be able to make it anyway when i enter the tunning room i was aready so fightened and felt really stressed this was my first performance in using sheng and was really afraid that i would accidentally play the wrong notes however during the competeion i played well as i heard from my instructor quite okay in the solo portion of gao yin sheng i was really glad that i manage to convience myself not to be afraid cai juan and yvonne were not feeling well think they caught a cold but they manage to play their instrument well after the competeion we have to wait for quite some time before they announce the result saw many people running to the hall so as to grab a sit in getting the 'live' result show i would say that EVSSian were quite lazy as most just stand under the speaker for the result including me when they announce that we got bronze many of us fell into despair we were so disappointed by what we have hear no use of blaming others but to say that try harder next time and to prepare for the SYF earlier too bad this is my last year in SYF representing EVSS so this vision in getting a sliver shall be passed onto the next 'generation' the current sec 2 and 3 students xue lin , pei ying , xin xian got to jia you for dizi okay!!! and also want to thank xue lin for helping me to do the make up because i insist on not having the teacher to do that for me the make up done by some of the teacher was so horrible
all i want to say is though we failed this time but i really hope that everyone will work together so that for the next SYF we will be able to succeed for those who were be leaving c.o soon we shall give them our moral support
some of the pic taken today(pick at random):

guan yue photo
1st row: suo na
2nd row: sheng
3rd & 4th: dizi
Frienz 4eva
(left to right)
bottom: yan qin , me
top: pei ying, cai juan, xue lin
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Monday, April 02, 2007
11:56 PM ♥
BRONZE for SYF !!! some of us cried , some feeling disappointed and some just don't seem to bother after putting in so much of hard work including neglecting our study, skipping some of our programme we still did not meet our goal to achieve sliver well, i cried too i wonder what has gone wrong why can't we obtain sliver ?? when i first reach s'pore conference i was quite confident that we will be able to make it anyway when i enter the tunning room i was aready so fightened and felt really stressed this was my first performance in using sheng and was really afraid that i would accidentally play the wrong notes however during the competeion i played well as i heard from my instructor quite okay in the solo portion of gao yin sheng i was really glad that i manage to convience myself not to be afraid cai juan and yvonne were not feeling well think they caught a cold but they manage to play their instrument well after the competeion we have to wait for quite some time before they announce the result saw many people running to the hall so as to grab a sit in getting the 'live' result show i would say that EVSSian were quite lazy as most just stand under the speaker for the result including me when they announce that we got bronze many of us fell into despair we were so disappointed by what we have hear no use of blaming others but to say that try harder next time and to prepare for the SYF earlier too bad this is my last year in SYF representing EVSS so this vision in getting a sliver shall be passed onto the next 'generation' the current sec 2 and 3 students xue lin , pei ying , xin xian got to jia you for dizi okay!!! and also want to thank xue lin for helping me to do the make up because i insist on not having the teacher to do that for me the make up done by some of the teacher was so horrible
all i want to say is though we failed this time but i really hope that everyone will work together so that for the next SYF we will be able to succeed for those who were be leaving c.o soon we shall give them our moral support
some of the pic taken today(pick at random):

guan yue photo
1st row: suo na
2nd row: sheng
3rd & 4th: dizi
Frienz 4eva
(left to right)
bottom: yan qin , me
top: pei ying, cai juan, xue lin