Friday, March 30, 2007
8:44 PM ♥
cut my hair today trim my fringe and my hair behind a little bit shorter finally change newstyle cause started to hate my previous hairstyle not unique aready so must change a new and special one today school was boring i slept in emaths class again because i find it too boring then after school go to the dizi practise that side to chat and practise talk about the goat intestine thinggy then shi jiao lian ask me to go take my new sheng as it has aready been fixed the sound was like perfect i think i made some improvement in my sheng especailly in few part sheng solo as i have learn sheng for about half a year then today forget got tution at 4.3opm then the tutor sms me while i was cutting my hair so have to go for tuition tomorrow but in the morning still got c.o practice then must wear full dress think my costume has aready been altered and sent back to the school on that day got to put make-up really hate it because it is bad for the skin but for guan yue right cannot put lip gloss or lip stick because we got to blow instrument if not will have the stain on the instrument think i will have serious problem in carrying my instrument got to handle my heavy sheng, black file and my long skirt hmm. . . think i will want to catch few photo to put it on blog wish myself all the best in the coming SYF !! and
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Friday, March 30, 2007
8:44 PM ♥
cut my hair today trim my fringe and my hair behind a little bit shorter finally change newstyle cause started to hate my previous hairstyle not unique aready so must change a new and special one today school was boring i slept in emaths class again because i find it too boring then after school go to the dizi practise that side to chat and practise talk about the goat intestine thinggy then shi jiao lian ask me to go take my new sheng as it has aready been fixed the sound was like perfect i think i made some improvement in my sheng especailly in few part sheng solo as i have learn sheng for about half a year then today forget got tution at 4.3opm then the tutor sms me while i was cutting my hair so have to go for tuition tomorrow but in the morning still got c.o practice then must wear full dress think my costume has aready been altered and sent back to the school on that day got to put make-up really hate it because it is bad for the skin but for guan yue right cannot put lip gloss or lip stick because we got to blow instrument if not will have the stain on the instrument think i will have serious problem in carrying my instrument got to handle my heavy sheng, black file and my long skirt hmm. . . think i will want to catch few photo to put it on blog wish myself all the best in the coming SYF !! and