Thursday, March 22, 2007
9:24 PM ♥
feeling elated right now due to the following reasons first i got second for the boggle competeion this was quite surprising since me and yan jun did not expect to win but we did second i got top for combine humanities which is geography and social studies top this is being very encouraging for me since i was actually competeing with the entire 4E5N classes for this position i mean the students taking geography as electice feeling so jubilant third is that i had a good day in c.o because finally both xue lin and pei ying is present for c.o except pei ying injuried her hand so unable to blow her dizi today so today went out to practice actually is chatting more than practicing because we just love to talk chemistry practical is still difficult for me especailly when cleaning up my test tube because i simply cannot dry my test tube fully and unable to remove the residue stuck in it tried many time until i felt discolent and simply choose to leave it for next lesson the other lessons were fine except for physic because i forget where i left my physic notes so got to copy everything in a foolscape but i did manage to jot down many notes after c.o my dad drive me back then go dinner together until around 8pm plus returning late after my CCA had put kibosh onto my attempt in doing my geography work too much things to complete but left with little time also have little time for entertainment except for blogging sometime simply being indolent to do anything wish myself all the best
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
9:24 PM ♥
feeling elated right now due to the following reasons first i got second for the boggle competeion this was quite surprising since me and yan jun did not expect to win but we did second i got top for combine humanities which is geography and social studies top this is being very encouraging for me since i was actually competeing with the entire 4E5N classes for this position i mean the students taking geography as electice feeling so jubilant third is that i had a good day in c.o because finally both xue lin and pei ying is present for c.o except pei ying injuried her hand so unable to blow her dizi today so today went out to practice actually is chatting more than practicing because we just love to talk chemistry practical is still difficult for me especailly when cleaning up my test tube because i simply cannot dry my test tube fully and unable to remove the residue stuck in it tried many time until i felt discolent and simply choose to leave it for next lesson the other lessons were fine except for physic because i forget where i left my physic notes so got to copy everything in a foolscape but i did manage to jot down many notes after c.o my dad drive me back then go dinner together until around 8pm plus returning late after my CCA had put kibosh onto my attempt in doing my geography work too much things to complete but left with little time also have little time for entertainment except for blogging sometime simply being indolent to do anything wish myself all the best