Wednesday, April 11, 2007
6:47 PM ♥
today kitty had her show and tell she talk about the s'pore notes and coin then go home when to look for some coins as i remember having some of the coin distributed in the past it is the first batch of coin introduce last time i thought all these coins are fake one so didn't really bother
these are the ten-cent coins
the seahorse look cute

next is the one-dollar coin followed by fifty-cent
thentwo twenty-cent coin
like the one-dollar coin lotts <33

lastly the five-cent ,had many of them
somemore the colour got 'tone' one(from darkest ->lightest)

About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
6:47 PM ♥
today kitty had her show and tell she talk about the s'pore notes and coin then go home when to look for some coins as i remember having some of the coin distributed in the past it is the first batch of coin introduce last time i thought all these coins are fake one so didn't really bother
these are the ten-cent coins
the seahorse look cute

next is the one-dollar coin followed by fifty-cent
thentwo twenty-cent coin
like the one-dollar coin lotts <33

lastly the five-cent ,had many of them
somemore the colour got 'tone' one(from darkest ->lightest)
