Saturday, March 17, 2007
2:26 AM ♥
watching taiwan drama again in the mid of the night again love to do this especailly on saturday watch a drama which is six years back i m weird right nevermind watching meteor garden because recently got a dream related to the drama so decided to watch it all over again for the third or fourth time love dao ming shi lotts so shuai in some sense then the hair also very cool just now watch until going cry cause too touching can't help it i know that i behave in such a weird manner but too bad that's me today got chinese orchestra finaaly turn up after skipping the thursday want cause really can't wake up let me sum up the event(s) for today:
1) blow my sheng too hard and did handle carefully so end up half of it no sound luckily got the jiao lian to help me fix it so pai seh only my sheng got like that only
2)my 'dear' junior spolit my previous sheng which i had been using for the past month i was so dam angry
3)the lunch for chinese orchestra is horrible they claim to have fish but i can only see a few pieces some more dam salty everyone had a hard time eating their lunch
4)just know what is mao-mao luncheon meat siqi and pei ying finish it!!! yt left it uneaten
5)tao gay fanclub !!!
6)blow my sheng like shit cause one of the button no sound blow until like~ so pai seh my sheng spolit so sad
7)pei ying is new generation big bird cause she wear yellow house t-shirt today when most of us wear black t-shirt this big bird know hip-hop , know a little bit of traditonal music wan so special
8)know a new friend form guan yue section!!!
9)addicted to meteor garden!!! ah~
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Saturday, March 17, 2007
2:26 AM ♥
watching taiwan drama again in the mid of the night again love to do this especailly on saturday watch a drama which is six years back i m weird right nevermind watching meteor garden because recently got a dream related to the drama so decided to watch it all over again for the third or fourth time love dao ming shi lotts so shuai in some sense then the hair also very cool just now watch until going cry cause too touching can't help it i know that i behave in such a weird manner but too bad that's me today got chinese orchestra finaaly turn up after skipping the thursday want cause really can't wake up let me sum up the event(s) for today:
1) blow my sheng too hard and did handle carefully so end up half of it no sound luckily got the jiao lian to help me fix it so pai seh only my sheng got like that only
2)my 'dear' junior spolit my previous sheng which i had been using for the past month i was so dam angry
3)the lunch for chinese orchestra is horrible they claim to have fish but i can only see a few pieces some more dam salty everyone had a hard time eating their lunch
4)just know what is mao-mao luncheon meat siqi and pei ying finish it!!! yt left it uneaten
5)tao gay fanclub !!!
6)blow my sheng like shit cause one of the button no sound blow until like~ so pai seh my sheng spolit so sad
7)pei ying is new generation big bird cause she wear yellow house t-shirt today when most of us wear black t-shirt this big bird know hip-hop , know a little bit of traditonal music wan so special
8)know a new friend form guan yue section!!!
9)addicted to meteor garden!!! ah~