Saturday, March 10, 2007
10:28 PM ♥
finish watching hana kimi the ending not nice want why they choose to like one another secretly without letting others know only the two of them including meitian , yuan qiuye and julia know the truth watch it at the middle of the night around 3 plus then when finish watching aready morning but i wake up at around 12pm cause need to prepare for english oral whole day practice the reading, picture discussion and conversation finish preparing so can go for oral on tuesday i realise that i talk a lot in the oral then tomorrow is preparing for MT oral that one must put in extra effort cause must achieve MSG 1 then tomorrow also going malaysia so no choice have to study in the car then when talking try to put in some sequence yesterday got go c.o but didn't blow cause too sick so i stay inside the c.o room do my work then went out to eat with siqi , pei ying, xue lin, xinyi and cai juan then say about the quality of being a ganster i tried to play the er hu but i must admit that i not suitable cause i think the sound is like killing chickens so horrible then better stick to my gao yin sheng better anyway all the best to myself for the coming oral tests for my EL and for my MT good luck !
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
10:28 PM ♥
finish watching hana kimi the ending not nice want why they choose to like one another secretly without letting others know only the two of them including meitian , yuan qiuye and julia know the truth watch it at the middle of the night around 3 plus then when finish watching aready morning but i wake up at around 12pm cause need to prepare for english oral whole day practice the reading, picture discussion and conversation finish preparing so can go for oral on tuesday i realise that i talk a lot in the oral then tomorrow is preparing for MT oral that one must put in extra effort cause must achieve MSG 1 then tomorrow also going malaysia so no choice have to study in the car then when talking try to put in some sequence yesterday got go c.o but didn't blow cause too sick so i stay inside the c.o room do my work then went out to eat with siqi , pei ying, xue lin, xinyi and cai juan then say about the quality of being a ganster i tried to play the er hu but i must admit that i not suitable cause i think the sound is like killing chickens so horrible then better stick to my gao yin sheng better anyway all the best to myself for the coming oral tests for my EL and for my MT good luck !