Thursday, April 12, 2007
8:59 PM ♥
E-maths DT was fine except for the locus which i think i did some careless mistake not sure then today me and xue er almost late for the DT becasue we are in science lab consulting about the physic luckily xue er notice the time thank a lot, xue er !!! today was mr sooong last lesson with us quite sad cause he is a teacher who treat us like friend we can do whatever things in class he does not bother if you are doing his work if you prove that you does not need his help somemore can eat in class today recess then buy one more packet drink up to class want drink it during his lesson if not too bored will want to sleep which i should not and cannot do becasue i disclipline myselfafter DT cannot go home cause didn't bring umbrella so went for C.O for fundidn't practice went to play with erhu and zhonghu instead with xue lin and pei ying their music was ' nice' pei ying play as if a bomb is being dropped in s'pore then xue lin want is like out of tune then play dizi plus borrow one home jie lin and friend thought i just joking but i m serious in 'playing' the dizi then too bored so went tan bo yue my play my liu qin the string is horrible and stain my hand also got to know the liu qin junior better after c.o went with siqi they all to bubble tea shop the cheese fries from the second stall taste great i waited so long for that waffle met vanessa jiejie and the rest at bus stop talking about breaking school rule we were like so bad teaching the sec 1 to 'break' school rule took bus home with xinyi and another girl from erhu one but cannot remember her name maybe i cannot go home becasue whenever i want to go home it will be raining cats and dogs my bag and file got wet but luckily not my precious dizi inside siqi's bag but too bad the dimo spoil by siqi's thinggy in her bag tomorrow is full dress rehersal must wear the costume sure get stroke then still have to play the SYF song again feeling so depressed again by that but nevermind i m graduating from C.O soon after i finish my speech day performance . . . cya
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
8:59 PM ♥
E-maths DT was fine except for the locus which i think i did some careless mistake not sure then today me and xue er almost late for the DT becasue we are in science lab consulting about the physic luckily xue er notice the time thank a lot, xue er !!! today was mr sooong last lesson with us quite sad cause he is a teacher who treat us like friend we can do whatever things in class he does not bother if you are doing his work if you prove that you does not need his help somemore can eat in class today recess then buy one more packet drink up to class want drink it during his lesson if not too bored will want to sleep which i should not and cannot do becasue i disclipline myselfafter DT cannot go home cause didn't bring umbrella so went for C.O for fundidn't practice went to play with erhu and zhonghu instead with xue lin and pei ying their music was ' nice' pei ying play as if a bomb is being dropped in s'pore then xue lin want is like out of tune then play dizi plus borrow one home jie lin and friend thought i just joking but i m serious in 'playing' the dizi then too bored so went tan bo yue my play my liu qin the string is horrible and stain my hand also got to know the liu qin junior better after c.o went with siqi they all to bubble tea shop the cheese fries from the second stall taste great i waited so long for that waffle met vanessa jiejie and the rest at bus stop talking about breaking school rule we were like so bad teaching the sec 1 to 'break' school rule took bus home with xinyi and another girl from erhu one but cannot remember her name maybe i cannot go home becasue whenever i want to go home it will be raining cats and dogs my bag and file got wet but luckily not my precious dizi inside siqi's bag but too bad the dimo spoil by siqi's thinggy in her bag tomorrow is full dress rehersal must wear the costume sure get stroke then still have to play the SYF song again feeling so depressed again by that but nevermind i m graduating from C.O soon after i finish my speech day performance . . . cya