Sunday, February 25, 2007
4:48 AM ♥
here are some of the happening for today:

i completed the sudoku !!!
some more is 5-stars wan, dam difficult
first time in my life to complete it on my own
proud of my little achievement

studying for physic test on tue
study for many hours le, at least 3h???
dining table got mess up by mii

sins chocolate treat from siqi <33>
small reward for winning the bet
on if i able to finish the sudoku in the first pic ...

my dining table again
got even mess up by mii
new mp3 yupiee
a replacement for my just KO mp3
cannot sleep ar so blog at this hour
the time now is 4.56am ar
4 more min to my show
realise that silence is not that bad, quite interesting
wish myself a good rest after a long night . . .
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, February 25, 2007
4:48 AM ♥
here are some of the happening for today:

i completed the sudoku !!!
some more is 5-stars wan, dam difficult
first time in my life to complete it on my own
proud of my little achievement

studying for physic test on tue
study for many hours le, at least 3h???
dining table got mess up by mii

sins chocolate treat from siqi <33>
small reward for winning the bet
on if i able to finish the sudoku in the first pic ...

my dining table again
got even mess up by mii
new mp3 yupiee
a replacement for my just KO mp3
cannot sleep ar so blog at this hour
the time now is 4.56am ar
4 more min to my show
realise that silence is not that bad, quite interesting
wish myself a good rest after a long night . . .