Wednesday, February 28, 2007
3:03 PM ♥
today seriously sick or should i say yesterday got high fever so yesterday went tosee doctor cause i was having high fever 38.3 C so need to have injection still okay lahx just like a sharp object inseted into your flesh actually my parents want mii to leave school after today's a-math test but because i thought i was okay so i stayed on until EL lesson i realise i m running a fever again this should not be happening because my fever should have completely stopped after the injection temperature of 37.5C then before MT lesson go find form teacher then must fill in a sort of form in the office then got to walk up and down cause need his signature mahx then called my mum to fetch mii so she took cab here ar then measure temperature again this time 38.3C again really very sick ar afraid that it will damage my brain so better go home rest i don't want to be nuts lohx this is the first time i m so damm sick got to leave school early lohx miss lesson so sad then must do self-revision le scared can't catch up ar anyway
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to xinyi though her birthday is once every four years but wish her all the best in her studies jia you !
siqin ~.~
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
3:03 PM ♥
today seriously sick or should i say yesterday got high fever so yesterday went tosee doctor cause i was having high fever 38.3 C so need to have injection still okay lahx just like a sharp object inseted into your flesh actually my parents want mii to leave school after today's a-math test but because i thought i was okay so i stayed on until EL lesson i realise i m running a fever again this should not be happening because my fever should have completely stopped after the injection temperature of 37.5C then before MT lesson go find form teacher then must fill in a sort of form in the office then got to walk up and down cause need his signature mahx then called my mum to fetch mii so she took cab here ar then measure temperature again this time 38.3C again really very sick ar afraid that it will damage my brain so better go home rest i don't want to be nuts lohx this is the first time i m so damm sick got to leave school early lohx miss lesson so sad then must do self-revision le scared can't catch up ar anyway
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to xinyi though her birthday is once every four years but wish her all the best in her studies jia you !
siqin ~.~