Tuesday, February 27, 2007
4:43 PM ♥
today dam tired got fever since yesterday morning then got flu, sore throat, . . . i remember that i have just recovered from my previous sore throat and now, sick again ?!?! some more got tests lohx really very tired for mii then just now after school have to stay back to measure the size for our SYF costume the colour still okay lahx blue and gold but the shoe is quite ugly lohx very outdated wan lohx then took quite some time to get things done later maybe go see doctor bahx hate it lots cause the doctor will sure ask mii to continue on the spray thinggy so troublesome plus very uncomfortable wan lohx then later got to prepare tomorrow MT 'speech' thinggy then got a lot of work left unfinish maybe because i m quite weak bahx
anyway, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to xue lin ! all the best to her
and really have to thank Pei Ying & Xue Lin for today !
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
4:43 PM ♥
today dam tired got fever since yesterday morning then got flu, sore throat, . . . i remember that i have just recovered from my previous sore throat and now, sick again ?!?! some more got tests lohx really very tired for mii then just now after school have to stay back to measure the size for our SYF costume the colour still okay lahx blue and gold but the shoe is quite ugly lohx very outdated wan lohx then took quite some time to get things done later maybe go see doctor bahx hate it lots cause the doctor will sure ask mii to continue on the spray thinggy so troublesome plus very uncomfortable wan lohx then later got to prepare tomorrow MT 'speech' thinggy then got a lot of work left unfinish maybe because i m quite weak bahx
anyway, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to xue lin ! all the best to her
and really have to thank Pei Ying & Xue Lin for today !