just too bad... ...
Friday, February 23, 2007
5:07 PM ♥
it was X-COUNTRY 2dae @ bedok reservoir,floodin wif many colours by ur house t-shirt, with e presence of nerdz, cool people. i was on a challenge wif my sis n frien, 2 reach e finishin line. i was filled wif hope @ 1st, though tat i might won a medal. sadly, i dun. tis is already e last year 4 me 2 attend tis stupid event, yet in e past 3 yrs i ve not got any medals. NOT 1! mdm hartini was also there, finally saw her but seriously her presence dun brin me joy. because of her, i SURELY will flunk my geography. CONFIRM+CHOP. pp use 2 tell me how they flunk their subject because of HER, yet i dun believe. finally i got a taste about it. y is e sch playin tis kind of JOKE on me, on my final yr. how come? she can't teach! so far i ve only attend 3LESSONs by her ONLY! STILL VE 2 TAKE E DT! i do not noe wat or how 2 study @ al. tis is not fair. if i ve 2 depend on her, i wanna kill myself be4 takin O LEVEL. how i wish if i can travel back in time... ...
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
just too bad... ...
Friday, February 23, 2007
5:07 PM ♥
it was X-COUNTRY 2dae @ bedok reservoir,floodin wif many colours by ur house t-shirt, with e presence of nerdz, cool people. i was on a challenge wif my sis n frien, 2 reach e finishin line. i was filled wif hope @ 1st, though tat i might won a medal. sadly, i dun. tis is already e last year 4 me 2 attend tis stupid event, yet in e past 3 yrs i ve not got any medals. NOT 1! mdm hartini was also there, finally saw her but seriously her presence dun brin me joy. because of her, i SURELY will flunk my geography. CONFIRM+CHOP. pp use 2 tell me how they flunk their subject because of HER, yet i dun believe. finally i got a taste about it. y is e sch playin tis kind of JOKE on me, on my final yr. how come? she can't teach! so far i ve only attend 3LESSONs by her ONLY! STILL VE 2 TAKE E DT! i do not noe wat or how 2 study @ al. tis is not fair. if i ve 2 depend on her, i wanna kill myself be4 takin O LEVEL. how i wish if i can travel back in time... ...