Saturday, February 17, 2007
4:44 PM ♥
CNY coming le so busy ar got to tidy my room and stuff
so yesterday went to pack my room realise that i ve been keeping lots rubbish

i made this latern myself
look okay bahx
well, learn it yesterday so thought of making one myself
too bad nobody appreciate that

this is my table
look better le bah after spending lots time to arrange it nicely
still pile up with lots of books ar
the papers on the wall are notes taken during adam khoo workshop
wanted to remind myelf to be motivated always !!!

here is my first bed, at the second level of the bed
this is where i put my favourite plushie
cause i dun sleep here, i sleep on the matress
love my plushie lots <33

this is part of my room
my table near to my sis bed

another part of my room
my cupboard and my sis table
arrange it nicely le
today woke up quite late ar cause slept very late last night mahx then in the morning the phone repair man came to check my house telephone line got problem calling in and out ar so unable to use my house phone currently then meet bernadette at 1pm for formal sherpherding at romantic mac again don't dare to ve fries so drank my favourite ice milo receive a small gift from her love it lots then go walk around tampines mall quite empty ar then luckily mini toon is open cause need to buy present mahx being so fickle in choosing present again can't help it then sent bernadette off to the mrt station my parents were still at home so went home first then later got to go my cousin's house to ve reunion dinner again for the second time but in smaller group le love to have steamboat ar but feeling quite sick cause having headache whenever i cough ar but anyway happy chinese new year !
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Saturday, February 17, 2007
4:44 PM ♥
CNY coming le so busy ar got to tidy my room and stuff
so yesterday went to pack my room realise that i ve been keeping lots rubbish

i made this latern myself
look okay bahx
well, learn it yesterday so thought of making one myself
too bad nobody appreciate that

this is my table
look better le bah after spending lots time to arrange it nicely
still pile up with lots of books ar
the papers on the wall are notes taken during adam khoo workshop
wanted to remind myelf to be motivated always !!!

here is my first bed, at the second level of the bed
this is where i put my favourite plushie
cause i dun sleep here, i sleep on the matress
love my plushie lots <33

this is part of my room
my table near to my sis bed

another part of my room
my cupboard and my sis table
arrange it nicely le
today woke up quite late ar cause slept very late last night mahx then in the morning the phone repair man came to check my house telephone line got problem calling in and out ar so unable to use my house phone currently then meet bernadette at 1pm for formal sherpherding at romantic mac again don't dare to ve fries so drank my favourite ice milo receive a small gift from her love it lots then go walk around tampines mall quite empty ar then luckily mini toon is open cause need to buy present mahx being so fickle in choosing present again can't help it then sent bernadette off to the mrt station my parents were still at home so went home first then later got to go my cousin's house to ve reunion dinner again for the second time but in smaller group le love to have steamboat ar but feeling quite sick cause having headache whenever i cough ar but anyway happy chinese new year !