my poor hamster
Sunday, November 19, 2006
8:23 PM ♥
2day i cry cuz another hamaster die again tis is the second time my hamaster die again n is one of my favourite he is bitten to death by another hamaster which had killed another hamaster recently i know it when i return home just now from dinner poor thing he must ve die due to loss of blood tat time the other hamaster die i was not realli tat sad becuz tat hamaster was already ill so maybe dieing earlier ll be a relief to hit suffering but tis time i m distraught realli sad n my sis n my mum cried he is very young n cute n had been plyin wif him earlier in the afternoon R.I.P i realli feel like cryin rite now when postin tis entry i shouldn't ve gone for dinner n maybe tis ll not ve happen y r all tis thing happenin? i dun understand n i m realli so tired of tis so i thinkin of givin the rest of the hamaster to my frienz so if u al wan then tell mii to prevent more sad things from happenin if u al wan then tell mi then i can give u 2gether wif the cage kk i just hope god ll bless my 2 poor hamaster n may thy go up to the heaven :(
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