Friday, July 28, 2006
5:00 PM ♥
being so tird lately finally decided not to learn di zi any more really cannot play plus i m being really confused i thought i wan to ply di zi for the SYF then the instructor ask mii play liu qin haiz gettin more complicated so the best is stop learning di zi better concentrate on one only feel quite upset actually could not ply well plus ply until so noisy now ll confuse others cuz now one of my junior wan ply di zi then one go shen then wan need go ... ... so messy so i beter dun get involved in any tat's the best thing qi still learning her di zi and she ply quite well except a little bit noisy but still consider ok couldn't really handle a lot o things in one go n i guess the only solution is to give up on some maybe but definately not my studies really although i feel sick n tired of it m i being fickle or wat i dun noe n i dun wish to noe i ll just be my self n do wat i think is rite for mii bless mii~
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