Tuesday, August 26, 2008
9:45 PM ♥
Oh my! I am so addicted in watching DVD these days. Even though I should have spent my time on books instead, I simply cannot resist the temptation of all these nice movies. I must repent! Anyway, I am proud that I have wasted my life away by watching 4 movies ( “The Secret”, “Tiger Dragon Gate”, “L change the world” and “ The Mummy…blah blah of the dragon emperor”) in a single day. Watching DVD at home is really much better than watching it at a cinema. Firstly, I saved more money on coke and pop-corn. Secondly, I could study and watch the movie at the same time. Thirdly, there is no disturbance from ringing cell phones. I simply hate phones ringing during the movie. And lastly, there is no restriction in the choice of food. Unlike the cinema, I could eat whatever I want while I am watching the movie. I could eat my chicken rice! Crap. I am talking nonsense again.
Among the 4 movies I have watched, only “The secret” is the only movie that is nice. The other 3 simply make me feel strongly that I have wasted my life away. In my opinion, the 3 movies are totally crap and nonsense. I feel that the 3 movies are no different to the movie “Meet the Spartans”. “Meet the Spartans” is a movie that simply makes no sense; you could see the people popping up in the movie for no reason. No worth to watch.
Anyway, I would be back to school tomorrow. After the two days of rest, I am ready for school. I can finally have the laptop to myself. No more desktop but laptop.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
9:45 PM ♥
Oh my! I am so addicted in watching DVD these days. Even though I should have spent my time on books instead, I simply cannot resist the temptation of all these nice movies. I must repent! Anyway, I am proud that I have wasted my life away by watching 4 movies ( “The Secret”, “Tiger Dragon Gate”, “L change the world” and “ The Mummy…blah blah of the dragon emperor”) in a single day. Watching DVD at home is really much better than watching it at a cinema. Firstly, I saved more money on coke and pop-corn. Secondly, I could study and watch the movie at the same time. Thirdly, there is no disturbance from ringing cell phones. I simply hate phones ringing during the movie. And lastly, there is no restriction in the choice of food. Unlike the cinema, I could eat whatever I want while I am watching the movie. I could eat my chicken rice! Crap. I am talking nonsense again.
Among the 4 movies I have watched, only “The secret” is the only movie that is nice. The other 3 simply make me feel strongly that I have wasted my life away. In my opinion, the 3 movies are totally crap and nonsense. I feel that the 3 movies are no different to the movie “Meet the Spartans”. “Meet the Spartans” is a movie that simply makes no sense; you could see the people popping up in the movie for no reason. No worth to watch.
Anyway, I would be back to school tomorrow. After the two days of rest, I am ready for school. I can finally have the laptop to myself. No more desktop but laptop.