Tuesday, August 12, 2008
10:16 PM ♥
The J1 promotional examinations are coming soon, yet I am totally not prepared for it. But never mind, I can still work on that. I am left with most probably the most, a month to ‘mug’ before the days come. Today’s chemistry faculty test was rather manageable; I believe that I should not have the problem passing this paper. But overall, I still find that the paper is set relatively below the ‘A’ level standard. I do not think that it is good. After all, it is the ‘A’ level that we are facing.
I went for basketball immediately after the faculty test together with some of the girls in our class to join the guys. I guessed that this is the first time I played with all the guys in our class. Usually, not all the guys will mix with the girls. So, I find today a bit special. What an occasion that brought us together? Pohee and I joined the guys to play a friendly match among ourselves, and guess what? Our team won! The girls are not too bad after all! A match was certainly too tiring for me. I was totally exhausted after the match. But instead of resting and cool myself down, I was dragged by these ‘crazy’ people to run a lap around the track. This is so crazy! I was wearing the TPJC college uniform, not P.E attire! Running in the dark was the first time I did so! But doing all this ‘weird’ things with my classmates is totally fun and awesome. This is also one of the ways that bonded the people in our class together. That is very important. After exercising, I am feeling damn great! I am more refreshed, and ready to pick up any challenges on my way.
There are some people that I really want to show my appreciation to:
1. Nicole
Thanks for giving me useful advice when I am feeling lost or confused. I really appreciate the help you have given me. Without your constructive advises today, I would have shown my frustrations to the people around me. So, thank you for your advice!
2. Michelle loo
Thanks for helping with my chemistry today! Without your help, I would not have been able to do my chemistry faculty test. I really appreciate that you made some of your studying time available to me, so that I can ask you questions. Thanks a lot!
3. Joyce
Thanks for consoling me yesterday when I was feeling down. I really appreciate that you are willing to take some time out of your busy schedule to hear me talk crap or rubbish. I greatly appreciate them! Your help came just in time yesterday, or I would have done something silly. Thanks a lot!
4. Ryan
Thanks for hearing me out when I have problems or stuck in some problems. I really appreciate your help in trying to answer the doubts that I have, and also give me advise and suggestions when I am feeling lost. Thanks for the great help!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
10:16 PM ♥
The J1 promotional examinations are coming soon, yet I am totally not prepared for it. But never mind, I can still work on that. I am left with most probably the most, a month to ‘mug’ before the days come. Today’s chemistry faculty test was rather manageable; I believe that I should not have the problem passing this paper. But overall, I still find that the paper is set relatively below the ‘A’ level standard. I do not think that it is good. After all, it is the ‘A’ level that we are facing.
I went for basketball immediately after the faculty test together with some of the girls in our class to join the guys. I guessed that this is the first time I played with all the guys in our class. Usually, not all the guys will mix with the girls. So, I find today a bit special. What an occasion that brought us together? Pohee and I joined the guys to play a friendly match among ourselves, and guess what? Our team won! The girls are not too bad after all! A match was certainly too tiring for me. I was totally exhausted after the match. But instead of resting and cool myself down, I was dragged by these ‘crazy’ people to run a lap around the track. This is so crazy! I was wearing the TPJC college uniform, not P.E attire! Running in the dark was the first time I did so! But doing all this ‘weird’ things with my classmates is totally fun and awesome. This is also one of the ways that bonded the people in our class together. That is very important. After exercising, I am feeling damn great! I am more refreshed, and ready to pick up any challenges on my way.
There are some people that I really want to show my appreciation to:
1. Nicole
Thanks for giving me useful advice when I am feeling lost or confused. I really appreciate the help you have given me. Without your constructive advises today, I would have shown my frustrations to the people around me. So, thank you for your advice!
2. Michelle loo
Thanks for helping with my chemistry today! Without your help, I would not have been able to do my chemistry faculty test. I really appreciate that you made some of your studying time available to me, so that I can ask you questions. Thanks a lot!
3. Joyce
Thanks for consoling me yesterday when I was feeling down. I really appreciate that you are willing to take some time out of your busy schedule to hear me talk crap or rubbish. I greatly appreciate them! Your help came just in time yesterday, or I would have done something silly. Thanks a lot!
4. Ryan
Thanks for hearing me out when I have problems or stuck in some problems. I really appreciate your help in trying to answer the doubts that I have, and also give me advise and suggestions when I am feeling lost. Thanks for the great help!