Monday, August 11, 2008
9:21 PM ♥
It was a successful attempt to study for my chemistry faculty test at Wei En’s place today. I finished what I was supposed to study today, and the feeling was so great. At least I did make full use of my day today. I did not eat much for my lunch today, just a bowl of tasteless ‘KoKa’ bowl noodle. I swear I never want to eat that again. There goes my lunch today!
I did make full use of my time to study. Study more and talk less. So, I am almost done with one cycle of revision for the tomorrow test. Studying together with the care-group people is really different from studying alone. I seem to be showing more discipline when I am studying with other people, which is so strange about me. I am just weird. Haha… …
I am also quite concerned about the things happening around me. I am quite worried actually. But sitting there and waiting for solution is not the best way. I got to do something to change the situation. But it is easier said than to be done. However, I will still make the attempt to try. Nothing is impossible in God’s will.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Monday, August 11, 2008
9:21 PM ♥
It was a successful attempt to study for my chemistry faculty test at Wei En’s place today. I finished what I was supposed to study today, and the feeling was so great. At least I did make full use of my day today. I did not eat much for my lunch today, just a bowl of tasteless ‘KoKa’ bowl noodle. I swear I never want to eat that again. There goes my lunch today!
I did make full use of my time to study. Study more and talk less. So, I am almost done with one cycle of revision for the tomorrow test. Studying together with the care-group people is really different from studying alone. I seem to be showing more discipline when I am studying with other people, which is so strange about me. I am just weird. Haha… …
I am also quite concerned about the things happening around me. I am quite worried actually. But sitting there and waiting for solution is not the best way. I got to do something to change the situation. But it is easier said than to be done. However, I will still make the attempt to try. Nothing is impossible in God’s will.